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Interactive Usage of large Touch screens with Digital signage

There are millions of people today who are experiencing the innovative technology pertaining to touch screen devices. Fast and friendly feeling of controlling their devices through a single touch and be interactive is helping them in accomplishing many of their tedious tasks.

This touch screen technology was first exposed to the users in the form of a computer mouse, which is used to point and click through some interface to complete the required task. By using large touch screens in Digital Signage Systems, business advertisements can reach their targeted audience with much ease and efficiency. 

With the advent in technology, many devices are incorporating this touch screen facility to make the experience more interactive and more effective. If we just look around, then we can find numerous touch screen devices. Touch screen interactivity can be experienced on mp3 players, at ATMs, GPS navigation devices, cell phones, self service kiosk and in many science fiction movies.

From a statistical study, it is evident that about 220 million touch screens were shipped to use in mobile phones in 2008. It is predicted that, by 2015, the penetration rate regarding touch screens in mobile phones will grow to about 40 percent. This is only pertaining to the usage of small and large touch screens in mobiles.

If concerned with the whole devices in which touch screen is incorporated, then the number of screens would be a humongous number. This familiarity of using touch screens gives many global organizations a chance to advertise effectively and reach the targeted customer. In digital signage displays, large touch screens add interactivity to the digital signs whenever the customers find it as appropriate.

Where are these large touch screens used?

At large casinos and hotels, utilizing these large touch screens makes it much easier for their customers to get some important information. By just tapping into the management and booking software, a digital signage controller will extract the appropriate data.

For instance, to get the timings of ballet at some theatre, one can easily check through touch screens about the schedule, artists performing, theme of the ballet etc.

One of the best advantages of using touch screens is that, whenever there is no requirement of interactive control, the same digital display can mimic a traditional digital sign and will playback designed messages to give information about the schedules and promos.

If the interactive control is needed, these stale screens can be turned into interactive screens with much ease. Thus, they serve as both, traditional digitals signs and interactive digital signs.

With the fascination of touch screen control in public, one can add more creativity and innovation in designing their ads or programs regarding their product. Marketers, professional communicators and advertisers are intending to use touch screen publicity to reach their audience in an interactive way, and giving their customers an enthrallment.

Usage of large touch screens in propagation at religious organizations can also be perceived to a greater extent. Touch screen digital signage is the revolutionary concept in reaching the targeted audience and in captivating them at the same time.
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