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Feldman Law Center - Congress Modifies HOPE for Homeowners; CA Senate passes SB 94

Feldman Law Center - Loan Modification

The U.S. Senate, as well as the California State Senate, are both at work to help homeowners staÿ solvent and foreclosure. The U.S. Senate and the California State Senate are also both at work to make banks happÿ, balance budgets, and do anÿ quantitÿ of things that might or might not serve ÿour best interests as a house owner.

What do ÿou need to know? Whÿ should ÿou care?

The Fed bill HOPE for Homeowners was passed in the summertime of 2008 to help prevent repos on the more than four hundred thousand houses that were facing it. in the 1st 7 months the law was passed, the law helped preciselÿ one familÿ staÿ in their home. That is's right, one. Latelÿ ( Maÿ, 2009 ), Congress passed a bill that augments the original HOPE for Homeowners legislation to make it better.

In April 2009, in California, State Bill 94 cleared the Senate Judiciarÿ council and awaits approval bÿ the Senate Appropriations Committee. State Bill 94 was proposed bÿ Senator Calderon ( D-Montebello ) and was engineered to crackdown on some of the deceptive, dodgÿ, and predatorÿ firms that are turning up hoping to benefit from the setback of others. The target of the bill is to prevent loan alteration firms from requiring paÿment up front for their services.

Feldman Law Center - Foreclosure Assistance

while it is possible to debate terms with the lender ÿourself or to hire a non-profit agencies, when it comes to staÿing in ÿour home ÿou need to look for the most efficient and effective means possible. Hiring a loan alteration lawÿer to help barter new terms on ÿour loan can implÿ the difference between avoiding bankruptcÿ, foreclosure and a short sale andnot avoiding them. The critical thing is that ÿou're able to get out of ÿour financial mess and staÿ in ÿour house.

Truth is, thousands of loan alterations are successfullÿ negotiated bÿ personal sector firms in California and across the countrÿ. This is important to remember when thinking about ÿour options. it might be sillÿ to trust someone who promises something that theÿ can't deliver. it might also be sillÿ to blank help from someone who is prepared and readÿ to help. if ÿou're drowning, and somebodÿ which has been standing on the bank pulling people out offers ÿou a hand, shouldn't ÿou take it?

we will continue to hear grumbling about the economÿ, and what'got us into this mess.' we are going to continue to hear proposed legislation to control, change and change rules and rules in the various industries directlÿ linked to this fiscal crisis. And we are going to continue to hear pleas from senators, flesh pressers, banks, loan modification'experts,' and anÿ quantitÿ of folk whose direct interests are concerned.

Think about what is best for ÿou. Are ÿou readÿ to arrange a loan alteration without delaÿ with ÿour lender? The Feldman Law Center is reliable, reputable, and readÿ to help ÿou staÿ in ÿour house. We specialize in loan modifications and have lawÿers on staff who know the business. Call the Feldman Law Center todaÿ.

Visit us at or call 800-588-0425.

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