Like all business, you need to advertise your home party business. Promoting your business allows you to connect with people you don't know and with people who don't know about your business including family, friends and acquaintances.
To start promoting your business, you have to be proud of your business and your products. This makes it easier to talk to others about your business and it will show confidence in your work and prodcuts. Tell everyone you know about your business. Send out an grand opening email. Call friends and and family. Have a grand opening party or if you are already in business, have a 6 month in business party.
If your home party business has brochures and catalogs, hand them out to everyone you know and even those you don't. Each week or month set a goal on how many brochures you want to hand out and then complete your goal. Leave the brochures/catalogs on your neighbours door step with a note. Ask local businesses (such as beauty salons, doctor's office, rental apartments, daycare centers, laundry mats, Tax Preparation Offices ) about leaving your catalogs and business cards.
Do you have a car? Get the business logo on your car. This can be done through a sticker on the window. Keep a demo basket, extra flyers, extra brochures / catalogs and business cards in your vehicle. You never know where you can met potential customers.
Invest in business cards. Your cards should have your key information on them ex, your name, business, and contact information. Keep your business cards on you at all times. Give them them out to people you meet, friends, family, co-works, parents at play group, etc. Also give them out with your catalog. When you leave a tip at a restaurant also leave your business card. Magnetize some of your business cards. This can be a nice gift for the welcome wagon.
You can make business flyers from your home computer. The flyers can be put up a local bulletin boards or for a flyer mail out. Want to attract new customers? Offer a discount for new clients.
Advertise you business. Advertise in local papers, the welcome wagon, on websites, on your local community channel. Tell your local paper about the opening or your business. List your business. Get your business listed in the yellow pages. Ask your paper about writing a weekly article. For example you are selling makeup. Each week write about a different topic about makeup; how to apply foundation, the benefits of night cream, ect.
Promote your business in the local community by wearing a button or t-shirt, that says what you sell, when you go out. Especially out at places like the gym, daycare or grocery store. Join your local chamber of commerce. Go to craft fairs. Offer a sign up sheet for parties and mail outs. Go to job fairs (if looking for recruiting). Go to trade shows
You can also advertise from home by leaving your business information on your voice mail and when sending mail (including bills) write your website & email on the envelope. Also you can start a e-newsletter that is sent out monthly. Let customers know about new products and promotions.
Promoting your business doesn't have to cost a lot of money but time, though and effort should be used to advertise your wonderful business. For more ideas please visit work from home moms.
To start promoting your business, you have to be proud of your business and your products. This makes it easier to talk to others about your business and it will show confidence in your work and prodcuts. Tell everyone you know about your business. Send out an grand opening email. Call friends and and family. Have a grand opening party or if you are already in business, have a 6 month in business party.
If your home party business has brochures and catalogs, hand them out to everyone you know and even those you don't. Each week or month set a goal on how many brochures you want to hand out and then complete your goal. Leave the brochures/catalogs on your neighbours door step with a note. Ask local businesses (such as beauty salons, doctor's office, rental apartments, daycare centers, laundry mats, Tax Preparation Offices ) about leaving your catalogs and business cards.
Do you have a car? Get the business logo on your car. This can be done through a sticker on the window. Keep a demo basket, extra flyers, extra brochures / catalogs and business cards in your vehicle. You never know where you can met potential customers.
Invest in business cards. Your cards should have your key information on them ex, your name, business, and contact information. Keep your business cards on you at all times. Give them them out to people you meet, friends, family, co-works, parents at play group, etc. Also give them out with your catalog. When you leave a tip at a restaurant also leave your business card. Magnetize some of your business cards. This can be a nice gift for the welcome wagon.
You can make business flyers from your home computer. The flyers can be put up a local bulletin boards or for a flyer mail out. Want to attract new customers? Offer a discount for new clients.
Advertise you business. Advertise in local papers, the welcome wagon, on websites, on your local community channel. Tell your local paper about the opening or your business. List your business. Get your business listed in the yellow pages. Ask your paper about writing a weekly article. For example you are selling makeup. Each week write about a different topic about makeup; how to apply foundation, the benefits of night cream, ect.
Promote your business in the local community by wearing a button or t-shirt, that says what you sell, when you go out. Especially out at places like the gym, daycare or grocery store. Join your local chamber of commerce. Go to craft fairs. Offer a sign up sheet for parties and mail outs. Go to job fairs (if looking for recruiting). Go to trade shows
You can also advertise from home by leaving your business information on your voice mail and when sending mail (including bills) write your website & email on the envelope. Also you can start a e-newsletter that is sent out monthly. Let customers know about new products and promotions.
Promoting your business doesn't have to cost a lot of money but time, though and effort should be used to advertise your wonderful business. For more ideas please visit work from home moms.