- A minor, Ab (flat) minor and A# (sharp) minor are the three minor keys that start on an A note. A minor has no sharps or flats, Ab minor has seven flats and A# major has seven sharps. A minor is spelled A, B, C, D, E, F, G; Ab minor is spelled Ab, Bb, Cb, Db, Eb, Fb, Gb and A# minor is A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F#, G#.
- Both B and Bb minor start on a B note. There are two sharps in B minor and five flats in Bb minor. B minor is spelled B, C#, D, E, F#, G, A and Bb minor is spelled Bb, C, Db, Eb, F, Gb, Ab. Bb minor uses the exact same notes as A# minor, only with flats instead of sharps. These types of scales are referred to as being enharmonically equivalent.
- C and C# minor are the two minor keys that start with C notes. Three flats are used in C minor and four sharps in C# minor. C minor is spelled C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb and C# minor is spelled C#, D#, E, F#, G#, A, B.
- D minor and D# minor are the minor keys that begin with D. D minor utilizes one flat and D# minor utilizes six sharps. D minor is spelled D, E, F, G, A, Bb, C; and D# minor is spelled D#, E#, F#, G#, A#, B, C#.
- The two minor keys that begin on an E note are E minor and Eb minor. There is one sharp in E minor and six flats in Eb minor. E minor is spelled E, F#, G, A, B, C, D while Eb minor is spelled Eb, F, Gb, Ab, Bb, Cb, Db. Like an A# minor and Bb minor, Eb minor and D# minor are enharmonically equivalent.
- F and F# minor are the minor keys that start with an F note. Four flats are used in F minor and three sharps in F# minor. F minor is spelled F, G, Ab, Bb, C, Db, Eb while F# minor is spelled F#, G#, A, B, C#, D, E.
- Two different minor keys start on a G note: G and G# minor. There are two flats in G minor and five sharps in G# minor. G minor is spelled G, A, Bb, C, D, Eb, F and G# minor is spelled G#, A#, B, C#, D#, E, F#. G# minor is enharmonically equivalent to Ab minor.
A Minor Keys
B Minor Keys
C Minor Keys
D Minor Keys
E Minor Keys
F Minor Keys
G Minor Keys