If you (or your child) have a mild breakout it is a good idea to start attacking the problem early on. A small breakout is much easier to deal with and clear instead of waiting until the acne becomes more severe.
There are many options and treatments ranging from prescription medications to natural remedies. It just depends on how severe the problem is and how long the acne persists.
Should you see a doctor and when? If you are using over the counter products, natural cures and doing everything possible, and over several months it is not improving, it might be a good idea to see a professional. Also, if you develop cysts and extremely deep blemishes, it is a good idea to visit a dermatologist as you don't want scarring if possible.
There are many natural solutions that have been very successful for mild acne sufferers. We will take a look at some these in this article.
The most obvious solution is to wash your face on a daily basis and if possible use a good acne soap. It is recommended to wash twice a day but do not scrub or use heavy pressure.
If you are female with acne it is a good idea to avoid cosmetics until it clears up. Additionally, if you have long bangs be sure to keep your hair off your face because of oils in the hair.
Something else to consider is diet. Obviously eating high fat foods may not be a good idea. Drink plenty of water as you want your body to be well hydrated.
Some have suggested taking a multi-vitamin and make sure you get enough vitamin A. Vitamin A, which can be found in carrots, is great protection for the skin and a lack of it can cause acne problems.
Many studies also suggest that Zinc, because it is an antioxidant, is very important for healthy skin. It also supports the immune system and promotes healing. Acne, with the right treatment, can certainly be controlled. Luckily most people will outgrow it. For those that don't there are prescriptions that can work wonders and restore your level of confidence.
There are many options and treatments ranging from prescription medications to natural remedies. It just depends on how severe the problem is and how long the acne persists.
Should you see a doctor and when? If you are using over the counter products, natural cures and doing everything possible, and over several months it is not improving, it might be a good idea to see a professional. Also, if you develop cysts and extremely deep blemishes, it is a good idea to visit a dermatologist as you don't want scarring if possible.
There are many natural solutions that have been very successful for mild acne sufferers. We will take a look at some these in this article.
The most obvious solution is to wash your face on a daily basis and if possible use a good acne soap. It is recommended to wash twice a day but do not scrub or use heavy pressure.
If you are female with acne it is a good idea to avoid cosmetics until it clears up. Additionally, if you have long bangs be sure to keep your hair off your face because of oils in the hair.
Something else to consider is diet. Obviously eating high fat foods may not be a good idea. Drink plenty of water as you want your body to be well hydrated.
Some have suggested taking a multi-vitamin and make sure you get enough vitamin A. Vitamin A, which can be found in carrots, is great protection for the skin and a lack of it can cause acne problems.
Many studies also suggest that Zinc, because it is an antioxidant, is very important for healthy skin. It also supports the immune system and promotes healing. Acne, with the right treatment, can certainly be controlled. Luckily most people will outgrow it. For those that don't there are prescriptions that can work wonders and restore your level of confidence.