Health & Medical Anti Aging

How to Find an Collagen Elastin Skin Remedy You Can Trust

If you are reading this article you are probably already aware of the importance of collagen and elastin.
These two substances along with hyaluronic acid are responsible for giving us smooth, wrinkle free skin.
In today's health conscious world, millions of people are looking for a collagen elastin remedy that they can trust to work.
The problem is, due to a basic misunderstanding about collagen and elastin, they are looking in the wrong place for help.
For many years now, the skin care industry has been working to make us think that collagen and elastin in skin creams will give actually help restore these proteins to our skin.
Well, nothing could be further from the truth.
There is no way they can possibly be absorbed into the skin.
The molecular structure of these proteins is just too large to seep into the skin.
In other words, a collagen elastin skin remedy will not work if it contains collagen or elastin.
If you are serious about increasing the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin, then you must feed your skin the nutrients it needs to increase its own production of collagen and elastin.
However, even though these proteins cannot be absorbed into the skin, all is not lost.
Some powerful skin care ingredients have recently been developed which actually help the body produce more collagen and elastin.
This is the healthiest way to repair aging skin in the first place.
A skin care ingredient called Cynergy TK has been developed that is rich in the protein keratin.
This functional form of keratin is able to be absorbed deep into the skin where it helps build collagen and elastin.
This type of a collagen and elastin remedy has been proven in the laboratory and through clinical studies to increase collagen so that wrinkles and fine lines are minimized as firmness is increased.
With the use of skin care products that include Cynergy TK, skin moisture content has been shown to increase by 14% and skin elasticity by 42% in 18 days.
It also helps increase the production of new skin cells by up to 160%.
Now that you have a good understanding of collagen and elastin, its time to take action.
Don't waste your money on skin creams and lotions that include collagen as an ingredient.
Instead look for natural ingredients that feed your skin what it needs in order to produce more collagen.
This type of collagen elastin skin remedy is the only way to restore collagen levels for the long term.
Cynergy TK and other cutting edge, natural compounds are discussed in detail on my website.
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