- 1). Ask your family to compile a list of family names. While many of the names will be dated, your family will appreciate being involved in the process. And you might find the inspiration you need.
- 2). Review baby names in baby name books and on the Internet for additional ideas. If there are special words or characteristics with meaning for you or your child, look for names based on those words. A number of websites offer tools that allow you to search for name meanings.
- 3). Consider names of people who have influenced you over the years: friends, relatives and even authors or historical figures.
- 4). Keep two lists, one for boys and one for girls (assuming you do not know which you are having), and write down names that are appealing. You will have your favorites, but some of the others may find their usefulness as a middle name or may grow on you over time.
- 5). Narrow down the list to a manageable number. Three boy's names and three girl's names should give you enough options.
- 6). Review the top baby names for the last few years, using the Internet. Consider whether your son's kindergarten class will be full of boys with the same name, but you do not have to discount the name based solely on its popularity.
- 7). Brainstorm words that rhyme with the names you have chosen or that might be used as ammunition on the school playground to tease your child.