Health & Medical Women's Health

What Is a Chin Lift?

There are several different Plastic Surgery procedures that people often refer to as a Chin Lift (Mentum or Gonium Lift).
Many people refer to the lower face and neck as the chin and use this term when they want to tighten the lower face.
What many people are referring to when they mention this term could be: · An Implant · Genioplasty · Mentoplasty · Necklift (Platysmaplasty,) Facelift (Rhytidectomy) · Correction of a Double Chin · Correction of Witches' Chin Let me discuss each of the above procedures and explain how each can be referred to as a Chin Lift: · Implant, Genioplasty, or Mentoplasty - this refers to placing a synthetic implant on to the Mentum through an incision inside the lower lip or through an external skin incision under the Mentum.
People who have Microgenia, small or weak chin, often request this procedure and refer to it as a lift.
An implant is also frequently placed during a Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) to improve the balance of the facial profile or view from the side.
Finally, many times an Implant is placed during the course of a Rytidectomy or Platysmaplasty to increase the length of the jaw line.
· Platysmaplasty or Rhytidectomy - as we age or facial tissues drop and the skin sags.
This is usually most noticeable in the lower face or jaw line.
The Rhytidectomy surgically tightens the facial skin and a Platysmaplasty tightens the neck.
These procedures are often referred to by patients as a Chin Lift.
· Correction of Double Chin - many people who request improvement of this problem can benefit from lengthening of the jaw line by a Genioplasty.
Some need a Platysmaplasty, some can benefit from Laser Assisted Liposuction of the Neck.
· Correction of Witches' Chin - as we age the skin over our Mentum or Gonium drops down.
From the side view the Mentum points down towards the floor.
This term refers to the Cartoon character Broom Hilda and other photos of Witches' which show this anatomical characteristic on profile or side view.
What Type of Chin Lift Do You Need? · Implant or Genioplast - if you have Microgenia or if you have a large nose that overwhelms your face, then a Genioplasty alone or in combination with a Rhinoplasty will be best for you.
· Rhytidectomy or Platysmaplasty - if your main issue is sagging skin of your lower face or the Witches' Chin deformity, a Rhytidectomy or Platysmaplasty with or without a Chin Implant will be required.
· Laser Assisted Liposuction - most people with a double chin can benefit from Laser Assisted Liposuction.
In some people a Platysmaplasty will also be required, although acceptable skin tightening can be achieved in most people with the Laser Liposuction.
Consult an Expert If you are considering any of the above procedures or simply want to know what you can do to improve your facial appearance see an expert.
Choose a Plastic Surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
You can find Board Certified Surgeons n with expertise and experience in Cosmetic Surgery in your area by visiting the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons website.
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