OK guys so here you are, starting at this gorgeous woman, and you would love to get her number, and let me tell you, that's going to happen...but only if you pay close attention to the advice which I am about to give you. You see, pickup is meant to "pick up" women, so why do you even allow yourself to be rejected? I am going to give you some tools which you can use to turn rejection around, so much so that you will have a magnetic personality from now on. Read on to find out how you can harness this dating trick...
--Mind blowing questions--
Most men approach women with those typical questions, such as "what do you like doing" or "where do you work" etc... and as boring as those questions are to you, guess what? They are boring to women as well! So the simple solution, is to simply start your approach off with some mind blowing questions. Mind blowing questions simply make her immediately have an emotional response, such as being a bit "peeved", being happy (she starts to laugh), or feeling a bit offended even. It wouldn't really matter how the question(s) made her feel, as long as they got her attention within the first few seconds.
--Spark questions--
Let's give you a few examples of some of those approach questions which would spark her interest, and make her feel like you really pack a great personality. Here are a few examples:
o "When was the last time you "peed" in the shower?" ---this one will surprise her, because it's the last thing she is expecting, and it's also an embarrassing question. Almost always, she will be taken back and won't really know how to take your question, so she will blurt out some sort of answer, because she won't know what else to do. She will have no time to really look you over or blow you off, because her judgments are only based on a normal approach, and she won't know how to tackle this one. In the meantime, you can continue the conversation in a very light and fun manner, tease her a bit and don't even give her the time to figure you out, because once she thinks she knows what you are after, you will be rejected.
o "Did your mother dress you tonight? Tell her she did a good job!" - The rhetorical "compliment" question is another way to instantly draw her attention on you, in a good way, because you will appear to be confident, but at the same time you will confuse her, because in one moment you are giving her a compliment, but on the other hand you are not just handing it to her. This will be a challenge to her, because immediately you are showing her that you have standards, and that she doesn't quite fit into them, and she will be trying to prove herself to you after this.
o "You look kind of cute, but don't you think your friend looks cuter?" - This one can really tease a girl, and also make her jealous all in one go. The fact that you are complimenting her, but are wanting her to compliment her friend for the same compliment will drive her nuts. She will try and show you that she is more sexy, and good looking, because she wont like that you turned your attention to her friend all of a sudden.
--Magnetic personality--
If you really want to have a magnetic personality, all you really have to do is know how to tease a woman, and show her that she needs to meet your standards. Most men just hand women things, like attention and time, and the instant you do not, will be the moment that she no longer feels a need to reject you, as she would see you as a challenging, yet intriguing man.
Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!....Trust me...You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-- Click Here.
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.
--Mind blowing questions--
Most men approach women with those typical questions, such as "what do you like doing" or "where do you work" etc... and as boring as those questions are to you, guess what? They are boring to women as well! So the simple solution, is to simply start your approach off with some mind blowing questions. Mind blowing questions simply make her immediately have an emotional response, such as being a bit "peeved", being happy (she starts to laugh), or feeling a bit offended even. It wouldn't really matter how the question(s) made her feel, as long as they got her attention within the first few seconds.
--Spark questions--
Let's give you a few examples of some of those approach questions which would spark her interest, and make her feel like you really pack a great personality. Here are a few examples:
o "When was the last time you "peed" in the shower?" ---this one will surprise her, because it's the last thing she is expecting, and it's also an embarrassing question. Almost always, she will be taken back and won't really know how to take your question, so she will blurt out some sort of answer, because she won't know what else to do. She will have no time to really look you over or blow you off, because her judgments are only based on a normal approach, and she won't know how to tackle this one. In the meantime, you can continue the conversation in a very light and fun manner, tease her a bit and don't even give her the time to figure you out, because once she thinks she knows what you are after, you will be rejected.
o "Did your mother dress you tonight? Tell her she did a good job!" - The rhetorical "compliment" question is another way to instantly draw her attention on you, in a good way, because you will appear to be confident, but at the same time you will confuse her, because in one moment you are giving her a compliment, but on the other hand you are not just handing it to her. This will be a challenge to her, because immediately you are showing her that you have standards, and that she doesn't quite fit into them, and she will be trying to prove herself to you after this.
o "You look kind of cute, but don't you think your friend looks cuter?" - This one can really tease a girl, and also make her jealous all in one go. The fact that you are complimenting her, but are wanting her to compliment her friend for the same compliment will drive her nuts. She will try and show you that she is more sexy, and good looking, because she wont like that you turned your attention to her friend all of a sudden.
--Magnetic personality--
If you really want to have a magnetic personality, all you really have to do is know how to tease a woman, and show her that she needs to meet your standards. Most men just hand women things, like attention and time, and the instant you do not, will be the moment that she no longer feels a need to reject you, as she would see you as a challenging, yet intriguing man.
Now listen carefully-
What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is one thing which is an absolute must know for every man out there. You are about to discover an ultimate secret weapon which will make women chase you around like crazy Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly!....Trust me...You don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read-- Click Here.
Feel free to use this article as long as the links are kept live.