- 1). Visit the website of Malaysia's Intellectual Property Corporation and read the trademark application manual. The corporation is the government entity designated to process trademarks. It also is responsible for patent and copyright protection. Chapter 7 of the trademark manual contains the procedures and regulations involved in registering a trademark in Malaysia. Read the chapter's section on restrictions carefully to ensure your trademark meets the specifications.
- 2). Go to the forms and fees page on the IPC website. The page contains a list of forms and fees related to trademark registration. The application form for registering a trademark is called Form TM5. Other forms include one to request the advice of the registrar about the "registerability" of your trademark and one to request a search of existing trademarks. Determine if you will need these before starting to register your trademark. Download the forms you need and make note of related fees.
- 3). Print five copies of your trademark. Copies must be no larger than 10 centimeters by 10 centimeters. You will also need one index card with trademark details on the front including date of filing, name of applicant, address, agent and goods or services offered by the company. On the back of the index card, paste a copy of your trademark. See the TM5 application procedures for specifics on the format.
- 4). Complete the TM5 application form and make five copies of it. Attach a copy to each of the five copies of the trademark you made earlier. If the trademark will be registered under a company name, a copy of Form 49/ Form D must be submitted with the TM5 form.
- 5). Submit the trademark registration application with the appropriate fee to the IPC. The cost for registration of the TM5 form as of September 2010 was $250 in Malaysian dollars, or about $80.50 in U.S. dollars. The Intellectual Property Corporation accepts checks, money orders, bank drafts and cash. But do not send cash in the mail. Make checks and money orders payable to "Perbadanan Harta Intelek Malaysia."