Business & Finance Social Media

What is Twitter and What Can it Do For You?

Everyone knows what a website or a blog is but a lot of people are confused on what Twitter really is.
Well Twitter is like a micro blog.
You can post little snippets 140 words or less and it will display on your Twitter page.
I like most wondered why on earth that would ever come in handy or what would I even use it for.
After playing around with it a bit I realized that it's a pretty fun and addicting little social site.
You can Twitter from almost anywhere now with your cell phone or laptop so it can get pretty interesting.
You can post what you are doing or where you are eating.
It's a great tool to stay up to date on what's going on in your social circle as well and because it's real time you are able to spot someone doing something and head on over and join them.
This site has also revolutionized media and journalism.
Journalists and reporters can Twitter about stories and breaking news in real time.
You can find almost any celebrity or politicians Twitter page and see what they are up to as well.
This is a very fun way to keep in touch with people and keep in touch with what's going on.
Also because the posts are so small you get quick little blurbs about what that person is doing, instead of a blog where they usually post a few paragraphs, so you get right to the point action.
A lot of business is also discovering Twitter and what it can do for them.
Small businesses are using it to get their name out there and huge businesses are using it to ramp up sales and release promotions via Twitter.
This little site has more to offer than it seems.
You can follow anyone and people can follow you.
When you are following someone you are able to track their posts and see what they are tweeting about.
When someone follows you on Twitter they are following what you are posting and talking about.
Although this is a very good tool to keep your finger on the pulse of the social scene you need to remember that what you post on the internet is available to anyone.
So never post anything that you wouldn't want everyone to read.
Also be careful of posting when you are leaving for vacation or a long period of time because that can leave you open to your home getting burglarized if they know you won't be there.
Just like any other social networking site out there just use your best judgment on what you put out there.
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