- 1). Evaluate the different plans offered by various carriers. Some plans will offer limited benefits. These will be less expensive but may leave you with significant unpaid medical bills in the event of a serious illness. As a rule, insurance plans with lower out-of-pocket costs will be more expensive than plans with higher deductibles.
- 2). Submit an application to the insurance company you have selected. Many carriers offer multiple plans; make sure you select the correct plan on the application. Fill out all of the information completely to avoid delays in processing your application. If you are applying for insurance with a new carrier, be prepared to prove to the insurance company that you've had continuous coverage for at least 12 months if you have pre-existing conditions. Some carriers offer the option to apply online for insurance coverage.
- 3). Include payment for the first month's premium with your application. The insurance company will not deposit your check or charge your credit card until your application has been approved and you have accepted the policy. The insurance carrier has the option to accept, rate-up or decline your application. A rate-up is an increase in premium due to an increased risk for certain medical conditions.
How to Buy Health Insurance in Rhode Island