It does no good to you if you have hundreds of visitors which don't really care about your what you're offering. Some say that from half to one per cent is actually a good conversion ratio in term of visitors/sales.
That would mean that for every hundred customers you're driving to your website, one would buy something. Is that really what you want?
I believe you can make much more than that: in fact, I believe you can get anywhere from 2.5 to 6 per cent (depending on the niche, obviously), which would be an improvement of over 100%!
The trick here is knowing how to do so effectively.
The first thing you need to worry about is the products you choose. Follow guidelines on how to choose a product before as following them will help you get better sales, because you, the affiliate marketer, feel the product is good.
Advertising a product you don't like is a lot harder and it'll be way more difficult to make sales.
If you're reviewing products, as I'm doing in this website from time to time, you really need to review them.
Everything in it: the good parts and the bad parts. If your review is very complete, then you'll have a lot more success as the customers will understand what's good and what's not so good about the product, and if you recommend something, they'll likely trust you in that.
Creating a good connection with the potential customers is a selling point to any website. Remember, if you recommend a product and it's really good, those customers will come back for more!
Another good thing you can do, is to buy or get review copies of the products. Reviewing a product without knowing it or trying it before is not a good choice for you.
If you're a customer yourself, then knowing the products will help you give an honest opinion about it, and to check for yourself if that product is actually worth the money.
That would mean that for every hundred customers you're driving to your website, one would buy something. Is that really what you want?
I believe you can make much more than that: in fact, I believe you can get anywhere from 2.5 to 6 per cent (depending on the niche, obviously), which would be an improvement of over 100%!
The trick here is knowing how to do so effectively.
The first thing you need to worry about is the products you choose. Follow guidelines on how to choose a product before as following them will help you get better sales, because you, the affiliate marketer, feel the product is good.
Advertising a product you don't like is a lot harder and it'll be way more difficult to make sales.
If you're reviewing products, as I'm doing in this website from time to time, you really need to review them.
Everything in it: the good parts and the bad parts. If your review is very complete, then you'll have a lot more success as the customers will understand what's good and what's not so good about the product, and if you recommend something, they'll likely trust you in that.
Creating a good connection with the potential customers is a selling point to any website. Remember, if you recommend a product and it's really good, those customers will come back for more!
Another good thing you can do, is to buy or get review copies of the products. Reviewing a product without knowing it or trying it before is not a good choice for you.
If you're a customer yourself, then knowing the products will help you give an honest opinion about it, and to check for yourself if that product is actually worth the money.