- Mac Tools was established by seven businessmen in the state of Ohio in 1938 and was first known as the Mechanics Tool and Forge Company. It currently has a product line that includes over 42,000 products, which are distributed through their worldwide sales force. Mac Tools sells hand and power tools, accessories, storage items and other products. It also offers diagnostic and testing equipment, including the Mac Tools Perceptor OBD Et1005A.
- The scan tool is compatible with General Motor, Chrysler and Ford automobiles that are equipped with an On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) computer. This computer system was built into vehicles that were manufactured after 1996. OBD computers monitor major components, such as engines and emissions control. Malfunctions in these components are indicated by a light in the vehicle's dashboard and are categorized into codes. The scanner retrieves, reads and interprets the code so necessary repairs can be made. The Et1005a will also retrieve all generic trouble codes on OBD-compliant foreign or domestic vehicles manufactured after 1996. The scanner has the capability to pick up special codes for a limited number of Asian and European vehicles
- The Et1005A can upload any data that is received into a personal computer. This data can then be printed. Menu-driven software is used to navigate the system. Trouble code definitions are pre-programmed into the scanner. It is fully upgradeable and will support newer vehicles using built-in flash programming. Freeze-frame data can be viewed using the 128 by 68 inch backlit screen with adjustable contrast.
- The scanner has the capability to read difficult codes and code erasure as needed. The potential code feature of the scanner notifies the mechanic of possible future problems with the vehicle. All data regarding each code is displayed, so the mechanic does not need a vehicle manual. You can research causes for the Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) indicator and reset it.
Computer Function
Coding Specifications