- 1). Use a tape measure to measure the length and width of the top (surface) of your Wrangler's windshield. The top must be down to complete this step. Jot down the dimensions for later reference.
- 2). Purchase a roll of weather stripping from a hardware store or from the Internet (retailers such as JC Whitney and DK Hardware carry automotive weather stripping and friction stripping, which works just as well). Unroll the weather stripping and measure to the exact dimensions you recorded earlier from the top bar. Cut the stripping to the proper size.
- 3). Use Gorilla Glue to line the top of the windshield with a thick layer of glue without getting too close to the edges; it's difficult to clean up after drying. Gorilla glue is one of the toughest waterproof glues on the market and is often used on vehicles of all types due to its durability.
- 4). Place the cut weather stripping on top of the glue. Make sure the edges line up neatly---a seal does no good if it's not perfectly measured and fitted.
- 5). Replace your soft top by pulling it over the Jeep and carefully latching it in. Gorilla glue must be clamped or have weight applied to it in order to form a proper seal. Be sure not to move the stripping when securing the top. Have a friend help you if possible to avoid smearing or moving the stripping or glue. Allow the Jeep to set (preferably in sunlight) for 1-2 hours so the glue is fully dried.