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How to Transition Your Lawn From Summer to Fall

Summer is a time for barbeques, backyard parties and soaking up the sunshine.
However, because of increased foot traffic and long periods without rain, your lawn can take quite a beating.
Instead of having a chance to recover, it has to immediately face the approach of fall and the never-ending torrent of leaves that threaten to smother it.
So how can you help your grass stay healthy and successfully transition between these tough seasons? Below are a few tips to keep your lawn healthy from summer to fall, which can also help prepare it for a frigid winter: • Give your grass a chance to breathe.
Aeration improves water seepage into the ground and allows fall fertilizer to penetrate the soil more effectively.
Poking small holes in the top two to three inches of soil will give your grass a welcome boost this fall.
• Reseed where necessary.
Once you've aerated, your lawn is in prime condition for reseeding.
Choose grass seed that has a good disease resistance, and use it to fill the aerated holes no more than three quarters of an inch.
• Add a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer to your lawn two times during the fall.
This will help speed up greening once spring rolls around.
The first application should be done about two months before your lawn goes dormant, and the second should be right before the dormancy begins.
If you have a large lawn, you may want to consider using a fertilizer spreader/sprayer to save time.
• Take care of the leaves.
Once fall really begins, your lawn is going to be under attack from leaves of every size, shape and color.
When there are only a few leaves on the ground, you can use your lawn mower to mulch them into small pieces that can decompose all over your grass.
However, once your lawn is covered completely, it may be better to rake the leaves or use a leaf blower to move them into manageable piles.
You can either bag these leaf piles or turn them into mulch, but you don't want to let them sit on your lawn for any length of time.
If fallen leaves remain on your grass for long periods of time they will smother the grass and cause unsightly dead spots.
Follow these helpful steps to get your lawn prepared for a smooth transition between summer and fall.
Fall chores bring the reminder that winter is right around the corner, but by following these guidelines you can rest assured that your lawn will be ready for the cold.
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