- 1). Remove everything from the closet. Wipe down each wire shelf with a clean cloth to remove any dust, dirt or debris.
- 2). Separate the contents of the closet into different piles labeled "garbage," "to sell or donate," "use frequently" and "store." Get rid of any clothes or items that don't have a deep significant sentimental value, don't fit or that you haven't used in over a year.
- 3). Install hooks along the back and sides of the closet. The hooks can range from sturdy hooks drilled into the wall to simple plastic sticker hooks. Hang any scarves, belts, ties, handbags or other lightweight items on the hooks so they're out of the way, but easily accessible.
- 4). Fold and store any clothes or other items in plastic containers, decorative baskets or decorative boxes. These containers should contain any out-of-season clothes, rarely used linens or anything else you don't need access to on a regular basis. Store these containers on top of the wire shelves. The containers will keep items from slipping between the thin wires. If you don't want to use containers, line the shelves with thick poster board or cardboard that's cut-to-size.
- 5). Store shoes on lower shelves that are easy to get to or on an over-the-door wire rack. Either way, store the shoes you wear most frequently nearest to your eye level so they are always visible. Install extra shelves if necessary. Baskets, such as dirty laundry bins, can be placed on the floor of the closet as well.
- 6). Hang clothes from the rod on matching hangers. Organize the clothes according to color or item. For example, group all black clothes, blue clothes, gray clothes, red clothes and green clothes together or group long sleeved shirts, short sleeved shirts, skirts, shorts and pants together.