All sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by certain viruses, protozoa, fungi, or bacteria present within the human body.
Their first effects are typical syndromes.
Medical researchers have pinpointed the characteristic symptoms associated with the different STDs.
The most important aspect about the STDs is that they need to be diagnosed at the initial stages.
If detected at advanced stages, the different STDs take deep root.
Then, it becomes rather difficult to treat them.
Many potent medications have also been evolved to check the STD from spreading within the patients' bodies.
Still, there has been However, in many cases, the symptoms or signs THE THIRD STAGE OF STI IS STD The sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) appear at the third stage of a syndrome.
First, the patient gets infected.
It primarily happens through sexual contacts with partners who are already infected.
Second, inadequate and improper health care cause the infections to spread.
The infections are silent invaders.
The typical symptoms or signs associated with the infections appear very late.
As a result, the person concerned fails to treat the infections at a later stage.
Studies have shown that just 10 percent of the patients actually seek medical advice.
The majority of the sufferers do not know of the infections at their initial stages.
A few make the folly of not informing their physicians or even their partners about the symptoms.
Such an attitude ultimately has dangerous ramifications as the partner gets infected too.
The infections target a person's immunity system.
The blood lifeline gets polluted.
It is at this stage that many suffer from HIV positive signs.
The final stage of the syndrome is STD.
If the patient ignores the symptoms or does not have regular tests then the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) positive stage transforms into a disease.
The common STDs are primarily syphilis (pox), gonorrhea (the clap).
All around the globe, approximately more than 50 million people are affected with HIV.
It is caused by what is popularly known as the 'Social disease' (SD).
They are primarily called the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD).
EASY MEANS TO AVOID STI So, how can one obviate the possibility of not contracting the infections? The simplest, easiest and time-tested means is to just stay away from sex! But, this is impossible.
Then, what we do? Be contented with a partner who is not infected.
Avoid heterosexual relationships.
Don't be too adventurous! Stay away from anal and mouth sex.
The body fluids present in these moist areas are usually the habitat of the agents - bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses -- that cause the infections.
Above all, practice insulated sex.
In other words, use the condom.
It shields the male sexual organ - the penis - from absorbing the fluid present in the vulva, anus or at times the mouth of the partner.
Their first effects are typical syndromes.
Medical researchers have pinpointed the characteristic symptoms associated with the different STDs.
The most important aspect about the STDs is that they need to be diagnosed at the initial stages.
If detected at advanced stages, the different STDs take deep root.
Then, it becomes rather difficult to treat them.
Many potent medications have also been evolved to check the STD from spreading within the patients' bodies.
Still, there has been However, in many cases, the symptoms or signs THE THIRD STAGE OF STI IS STD The sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) appear at the third stage of a syndrome.
First, the patient gets infected.
It primarily happens through sexual contacts with partners who are already infected.
Second, inadequate and improper health care cause the infections to spread.
The infections are silent invaders.
The typical symptoms or signs associated with the infections appear very late.
As a result, the person concerned fails to treat the infections at a later stage.
Studies have shown that just 10 percent of the patients actually seek medical advice.
The majority of the sufferers do not know of the infections at their initial stages.
A few make the folly of not informing their physicians or even their partners about the symptoms.
Such an attitude ultimately has dangerous ramifications as the partner gets infected too.
The infections target a person's immunity system.
The blood lifeline gets polluted.
It is at this stage that many suffer from HIV positive signs.
The final stage of the syndrome is STD.
If the patient ignores the symptoms or does not have regular tests then the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) positive stage transforms into a disease.
The common STDs are primarily syphilis (pox), gonorrhea (the clap).
All around the globe, approximately more than 50 million people are affected with HIV.
It is caused by what is popularly known as the 'Social disease' (SD).
They are primarily called the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD).
EASY MEANS TO AVOID STI So, how can one obviate the possibility of not contracting the infections? The simplest, easiest and time-tested means is to just stay away from sex! But, this is impossible.
Then, what we do? Be contented with a partner who is not infected.
Avoid heterosexual relationships.
Don't be too adventurous! Stay away from anal and mouth sex.
The body fluids present in these moist areas are usually the habitat of the agents - bacteria, protozoa, fungi and viruses -- that cause the infections.
Above all, practice insulated sex.
In other words, use the condom.
It shields the male sexual organ - the penis - from absorbing the fluid present in the vulva, anus or at times the mouth of the partner.