Carl Jung managed to discover the real meaning of the dream images after making a long and meticulous research.
He concluded that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is a good counselor for the human being, but he believed that we must make our decisions based on our own conscience.
After continuing his research I recognized the sanctity of the unconscious mind, which he couldn't perceive.
The truth is that we must obey the divine guidance in dreams because God knows what is good or bad, while we are ignorant and evil.
I discovered that the biggest part of the human brain belongs to our anti-conscience, which is the wild side of our conscience.
The anti-conscience is violent, immoral, cruel, and indifferent.
It has satanic characteristics.
This means that we have a satanic nature.
However, God gave us a human conscience, which should help us become true human beings.
Many people attacked me when I showed to the world that human beings are in fact demons, the same way many people attacked Charles Darwin when he showed to the world that we are primates.
However, now that I could discover this bitter truth, along with the miraculous salvation represented by the divine guidance in dreams, we can finally put an end to all mental illnesses on Earth.
In order to definitively cure a mental illness you have to eliminate your evil and absurd anti-conscience.
This is the solution to a problem that couldn't be solved before, because we didn't know what causes craziness.
Thanks to my discoveries, today we know that we have a satanic conscience, which works against our human conscience because it doesn't want to be tamed by our human sensibility and sensitivity.
Our anti-conscience generates mental illnesses within our conscience in order to destroy our conscience and control our behavior.
I could discover this truth only because I was guided by the unconscious mind.
Otherwise, an ignorant creature like me would never be able to discover anything.
The elimination of the anti-conscience is based on a process of consciousness.
The unconscious mind shows to the dreamers in which ways their anti-conscience influences their behavior and what they have to do in order to prevent their anti-conscience from stealing the place of their ego.
All dreamers learn how to stop having violent, immature, or indifferent behavior.
The unconscious psychotherapy is effective and safe because it is based on sanctity and wisdom.
Since all mental illnesses are generated by our satanic anti-conscience, they can be cured only based on sanctity and wisdom.
This is why the psychiatry of our historical time is so ineffective.
Our psychiatrists ignore that when they deal with a mental illness, they are dealing with a volcano.
They try to put an end to a mental illness by using various chemical substances, without knowing how the human brain works and without understanding the abstract functioning of our psyche.
This means that they try to close a volcano by chance, while ignoring its depth and power.
Only God knows how to cure a mental illness because mental illnesses are invincible.
The satanic anti-conscience is too powerful.
All psychiatrists must follow the unconscious guidance in dreams in order to understand how the human brain works and what determines the human behavior.
Their blind experiments are very dangerous.
The unconscious mind gives simple lessons to all dreamers, explaining why they react the way they do and how they can show wise behavior in all circumstances.
You can learn the dream language and understand the unconscious psychotherapy in your dreams.
Now that I simplified Carl Jung's complicated method of dream interpretation this is a simple task.
You can also submit your dreams for professional dream translation and psychotherapy.
Now that the right method of dream interpretation was discovered and clarified, you can have access to God's guidance through dream therapy and solve all your problems with safety.
After finding peace and sound mental health you will also help others because you'll become a strong and self-confident person.
The unconscious mind transforms you into a perfect human being.
The divine unconscious wisdom will help you surpass the absurdity of the current civilization and become a true genius.
You'll use all your capacities.
You won't be limited by the narrow-minded concepts of your historical time.
He concluded that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is a good counselor for the human being, but he believed that we must make our decisions based on our own conscience.
After continuing his research I recognized the sanctity of the unconscious mind, which he couldn't perceive.
The truth is that we must obey the divine guidance in dreams because God knows what is good or bad, while we are ignorant and evil.
I discovered that the biggest part of the human brain belongs to our anti-conscience, which is the wild side of our conscience.
The anti-conscience is violent, immoral, cruel, and indifferent.
It has satanic characteristics.
This means that we have a satanic nature.
However, God gave us a human conscience, which should help us become true human beings.
Many people attacked me when I showed to the world that human beings are in fact demons, the same way many people attacked Charles Darwin when he showed to the world that we are primates.
However, now that I could discover this bitter truth, along with the miraculous salvation represented by the divine guidance in dreams, we can finally put an end to all mental illnesses on Earth.
In order to definitively cure a mental illness you have to eliminate your evil and absurd anti-conscience.
This is the solution to a problem that couldn't be solved before, because we didn't know what causes craziness.
Thanks to my discoveries, today we know that we have a satanic conscience, which works against our human conscience because it doesn't want to be tamed by our human sensibility and sensitivity.
Our anti-conscience generates mental illnesses within our conscience in order to destroy our conscience and control our behavior.
I could discover this truth only because I was guided by the unconscious mind.
Otherwise, an ignorant creature like me would never be able to discover anything.
The elimination of the anti-conscience is based on a process of consciousness.
The unconscious mind shows to the dreamers in which ways their anti-conscience influences their behavior and what they have to do in order to prevent their anti-conscience from stealing the place of their ego.
All dreamers learn how to stop having violent, immature, or indifferent behavior.
The unconscious psychotherapy is effective and safe because it is based on sanctity and wisdom.
Since all mental illnesses are generated by our satanic anti-conscience, they can be cured only based on sanctity and wisdom.
This is why the psychiatry of our historical time is so ineffective.
Our psychiatrists ignore that when they deal with a mental illness, they are dealing with a volcano.
They try to put an end to a mental illness by using various chemical substances, without knowing how the human brain works and without understanding the abstract functioning of our psyche.
This means that they try to close a volcano by chance, while ignoring its depth and power.
Only God knows how to cure a mental illness because mental illnesses are invincible.
The satanic anti-conscience is too powerful.
All psychiatrists must follow the unconscious guidance in dreams in order to understand how the human brain works and what determines the human behavior.
Their blind experiments are very dangerous.
The unconscious mind gives simple lessons to all dreamers, explaining why they react the way they do and how they can show wise behavior in all circumstances.
You can learn the dream language and understand the unconscious psychotherapy in your dreams.
Now that I simplified Carl Jung's complicated method of dream interpretation this is a simple task.
You can also submit your dreams for professional dream translation and psychotherapy.
Now that the right method of dream interpretation was discovered and clarified, you can have access to God's guidance through dream therapy and solve all your problems with safety.
After finding peace and sound mental health you will also help others because you'll become a strong and self-confident person.
The unconscious mind transforms you into a perfect human being.
The divine unconscious wisdom will help you surpass the absurdity of the current civilization and become a true genius.
You'll use all your capacities.
You won't be limited by the narrow-minded concepts of your historical time.