- 1). Let your lovebird adjust to your presence. Sit beside the cage for two or three days without approaching the bird with your hand or going into the cage. Talk quietly to the lovebird and wait for it to approach you when you are near.
- 2). Place your hand inside of the cage with some of its food in your palm. Do not force the food on the lovebird, but allow it to approach your hand at its own pace. Continue talking softly to the bird. Only put your hand in the cage for 10 minutes at a time. Patiently repeat the process for two to three days or as needed so that your lovebird is comfortable approaching your hand.
- 3). Put your hand in the cage again after the lovebird has grown accustomed to its presence and eating out of your palm. Extend your fingers slowly towards the bird, talking in the soft manner that it has grown accustomed to. Gently nudge the bird with your fingers, say its name and the command "Step-up" or "Up." Repeat for five to 10 minutes before withdrawing your hand. Repeat this step the next day and again until the bird willingly steps up on your finger. Do not withdraw your hand or make any sudden movements that will startle the lovebird. Repeat for two or three days to continue building trust between you and the bird.
- 4). Teach the lovebird to jump down, by gently tilting your finger or nudging him lightly in the chest and saying the command "Step-down" or "Down." Don't force or shove the bird, but allow it to hop down on its own. Continue until the bird jumps down when the command is given without any nudging from you. As before, this may take three or more days to accomplish, but be patient and allow the bird to go at its own pace.
- 5). Close any doors, windows, drawers or cabinets in the room. Cover any mirrors that are in the room and remove any objects that your bird may fly into and harm itself. If you have other pets such as a dog or cat, remove them from the area. If you are in a bathroom, make certain that the toilet is covered.
- 6). Put your hand into the cage and repeat your "Step-Up" command. Talk using the quiet tone that your bird has grown accustomed to and slowly remove it from the cage. Allow the bird to fly around if it becomes frightened once it is out of the cage and takes flight. Do not chase the lovebird as this may cause further distress. Wait patiently for it to land and approach cautiously, extend your finger and repeat your "Step-up" command as you would normally do when it is in its cage. Again, your lovebird may require several days to adjust to being outside of its cage and should only be taken out of its cage for five to 10 minutes at a time in the beginning.