Health & Medical Women's Health

Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis

For the millions of women who suffer from bacterial vaginosis the words diagnosis are equivalent to here we go again.
For many who have already been diagnosed will probably end up getting it get somewhere along the way.
Bacterial vaginosis is an ailment in where the bacteria in the vagina are not in balance.
Many times it consists of more than one type of bacteria and things just need to be put back in balance so to speak.
Once the bacteria are leveled back off the body will then again regulate itself.
For women who suffer from this type of infection the trip to the doctor is nothing unusual.
Diagnosis can be done a few different ways.
The most reliable way to test is to actually look at some of the discharge under a microscope.
If a call known as the clue cell is present then the patient has bacterial vaginosis.
But, chances are in the doctor's office this just in not going to happen.
There are other ways to get the diagnosis quicker for the doctor and the patient.
Many doctors use a test strip for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis.
What this test strip does is test the PH in the vaginal discharge and if the reading is above a certain level then bacterial vaginosis is present and can then be treated.
Receiving the diagnosis can be very troubling to many women.
Many women do not even realize they have it until they are in the doctor's office for a routine pelvic exam.
For many it turns into a very embarrassing situation and it really does not need to be.
When doctors and nurses are giving the diagnosis of of this infection they must remember the fact that although many women do have it not all have heard of it and it can be very troubling to the new patient.
Time must be taken in explaining how common this actually is and they are no means alone with the battle of this ailment.
A Diagnosis of this type of infection should not cause undue stress for any woman.
While trying to educate one and learn as much as you can.
The more that is understood the better the chances of lessening further episodes.
Learning the prevention is the key to a bacterial vaginosis relapse.
Many home remedies can be used to help keep it away as well as some rules that can very simply followed.
Always remember to wipe from front to back while using the toilet is the number one thing to remember so that a relapse does not occur.
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