Health & Medical Women's Health

My Regime for Candida Diet - Alteration on Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Menu

I find it quite great with me doing alteration on my menu.
Someone requested my regime for candida diet as he wants to do it himself.
I don't mix starch with protein.
First in the morning I would have sachet of Spa Tone plus Liquid Iron.
You may not need this, but it is a very good way of taking iron.
I also have hot water and root ginger as drink, and spoonful of Colloidal silver.
I alternate my breakfast from day to day between porridge and shredded wheat with goat's milk and ground sunflower, pumpkin, linseed, and sesame seeds.
You can grind up the seeds in a coffee grinder.
I also use three spoonfuls of specially formulated oil for Essential Fatty Acids.
I could have a piece of rye bread, a rice cake, or a rye crisp bread with Light Tahini if more hunger strikes.
It's also quite filling to add sweet potato to porridge.
I drink filtered water and take a multinutrient, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, garlic tablet, Goldenseal Herbal extract, liquid oxygen, and biotin.
If I want a snack, I tend to have rye bread toasted, a rice cake or rye crisp bread with Tahini and little bit of cooked vegetable on top.
It's rather nice and filling! As for lunch, I usually have pre-cooked potatoes which I heat up for a short time in the microwave with vegetables, with a bit of crushed garlic on it.
The only time I break the starch/protein rule is here, because I have some sheep's milk yoghurt with it.
I believe this is permissible because plain yoghurts usually contain live cultures, "good" bacteria, which are extremely good for the digestive process.
Then, I take Vitamin C, Goldenseal Herbal Extract, Coenzyme Q10 and biotin.
I also sometimes snack in between meals on nuts straight from the shell (not peanuts which come from the ground and have mould).
At evening, I cooked vegetables or raw vegetables in salad with (usually) oily fish, herring, mackerel, tuna, and salmon.
I have cod, too, sometimes.
I cook as much as possible with garlic.
I have vegetables in a stir fry served with yoghurt, again with garlic and ginger root, as the alternative.
Sometimes, I add non wheat pasta or Japanese rice noodles.
Scrambled eggs with vegetables in the same pan, sometimes just with side vegetables.
I always use Extra Virgin Olive Oil which is the only oil I can get in the shops which I know is ok.
Of course we can also make an omelet, boiled egg.
I don't fry.
Then, I take a second multinutrient, Coenzyme Q10, biotin, a second B complex, garlic tablet, Vitamin E, Goldenseal Herbal Extract.
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