- 1). Look at the snake's body. If it is exceptionally slender with a tail that occupies a third or more of its body length, it's a western ribbon snake. If it is comparatively stockier with a shorter tail, it is either the eastern or the plains garter snake.
- 2). Look at the snake's head. The western ribbon snake has a white spot in front of its eye. Neither the eastern nor the plains garter snake does.
- 3). Examine the snake's stripes. A snake has wide scales on its belly called dorsal scales. Above these dorsal scales, the scales are small, round and occur in rows. Scientists number these rows, beginning with row one immediately above the dorsal scales. The stripes on the sides of the western ribbon snake and the plains garter snake are on the third and fourth rows. The sides of the eastern garter snake are striped on the second and third rows.