Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Pilates Shoulder Exercises

    The Mermaid

    • The Mermaid will strengthen your shoulders and stretch your spine. Keep your shoulders pulled back throughout this exercise to maximize the benefit. Sit up straight with your legs folded on the floor to your left side. Your right hip bone will be touching the floor. Put your right hand on the floor and raise your left arm overhead. Reach up through your left arm and think of elongating your spine. Begin to arch to the right and reach your left hand toward the wall to your right. As you do so, place your right elbow on the floor so your forearm is touching the ground and push up onto your right knee. Keep reaching and extending to the right. Breathe into your ribs and allow your head to lean to the right parallel to the floor. Return to the beginning position and lift your right arm to shoulder height. Allow your left arm to slowly come down into position at shoulder height. Drop your left arm across your waist and reach over head with your right arm in the opposite direction. Lean and stretch to the left. Do five reps and then move your legs to your right side and repeat.

    The Plank

    • The Plank exercise is a total upper body strengthener that targets the shoulders. An easy version of this exercise is similar to a wall push up. Place your hands against a wall at sternum height. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart. Lean into your arms and bend your elbows, allowing them to go outward. Keep your body straight and your back flat. Go to 1 inch from the wall and then push back up. Do five to 10 reps.

      The more advanced version is to get into the same position on the floor with your hands and feet holding you up and your upper body parallel to the floor. Your hands will be under your shoulders. Your back should be flat. You can lower yourself to the floor and push back up five times, or simply hold yourself in the up position for 30 seconds.

    Side Neck Stretch

    • Pilates will also help you relieve tension in your neck and shoulders. You can do this sitting or standing. Simply allow your neck to tilt to the left. Keep your shoulders pushed down. Bring the neck back up to straight and the lean to the right. One side may be tighter than the other. Do not try to force them to go the same distance.

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