- 1). Apply epoxy glue to the bottom raised part of the teacup where it touches the saucer. Stick the teacup onto the saucer and wait for it to dry.
- 2). Turn the cup/saucer upside down. Apply epoxy glue to the top of a pipe cap and stick it to the bottom of the saucer. Wait for it to dry thoroughly.
- 3). Choose an open area in your yard away from trees and birdhouses. Drive a metal pipe 2 feet into the ground with a fence post driver.
- 4). Screw the pipe cap onto the pipe. The birdfeeder is complete.
- 5). Fill the cup and saucer with birdseed. Alternately, fill the saucer with birdseed and fill the cup with water. Change the water daily, and rotate the seed every few days.