- 1). Insert the Ford radio removal tools -- two U-shaped metal wires -- about one inch into the two holes on either side of the Ranger's radio. Hold outward pressure on the curved part of both tools as you pull the radio removal tools outward; slide the radio from the dashboard until the locking tabs on the radio clear the opening in the dashboard. You might need to repeat this step several times, as the radio removal tools can slip out as you pull the radio outward.
- 2). Pull the radio from the dash, by hand, until you can access the wiring on the rear of the radio. Notice that there is a guide on the rear of the radio that slides on a track inside the radio chassis in the dashboard.
- 3). Pull the antenna wire -- the wire on the far-right side of the rear of the radio. Press the locking button on one of the wiring harnesses on the rear of the radio, then pull the harness from the radio with a wiggling motion. Press the locking button on the other wiring harness and pull it from the radio with a slight wiggling motion. Remove the radio from the Ranger.
- 4). Remove the nut securing the guide to the rear of the radio, using a ratchet and socket, if you need to transfer the guide to a replacement radio. Pull the guide off the rear of the radio and set it on the stud on the rear of a replacement radio. Hand-tighten the nut onto the stud and tighten the nut with a ratchet and socket.
- 5). Plug the two wiring harnesses into the rear of the radio -- they are two different sizes, so they each can only insert into one receptacle. Press the antenna wire into its receptacle on the rear of the radio.
- 6). Slide the radio into the radio chassis in the dashboard, inserting the guide on the rear of the radio into the track in the radio chassis. Press the radio into the radio chassis until the locking tabs click into place.