- Substance abuse centers treat patients with an addiction to drugs.pills and pill bottle image by Effie White from Fotolia.com
Substance abuse centers treat adults, young adults and, in some cases, children who have an addiction to substances ranging from methamphetamines and narcotics to over-the-counter drugs such as diet and sleeping pills. Substance abuse centers also treat people for alcoholism. Several programs and counseling services are available in or near Mishawaka, Indiana. - With locations in Columbia City, Fort Wayne, Huntington, Wabash, Albion, Syracuse, Plymouth and Warsaw, the Otis R. Bowen Center for Human Services offers many locations for patients' convenience. The center has an inpatient ward as well as outpatient services. The faculty-to-patient ratio in the inpatient ward is 5 to 1. The inpatient facility offers detox services as well as in-house counseling for substance abuse. The center's intensive outpatient programs are designed for many different age groups, including young adults, teens and adults, and include an earl- intervention program.
Otis R. Bowen Center for Human Services
850 North Harrison St.
Warsaw, IN
bowencenter.org - The substance abuse services provided at Four County Counseling Center in Logansport, Indiana, is near Mishawaka and treats people of all ages. The center provides substance abuse and mental health programs for children, couples, families and adults, and offers both inpatient and outpatient services. The Four County Counseling Center accepts most insurance and provides a sliding scale to people needing substance abuse counseling who do not have insurance.
Four County Counseling Center
1015 Michigan Ave.
Logansport, IN
fourcounty.org - As part of the Lutheran Health Network in Fort Wayne, Indiana, St. Joseph Hospital's adult mental health services department offers substance abuse programs near Mishawaka. The mental health program offers not only substance abuse counseling but also programs in the following areas that can accompany substance abuse: suicidal and homicidal thoughts, phobias, hallucinations and delusional thinking, depression, and anxiety or panic attacks. The substance abuse program provides patients with around-the-clock help, a detoxification program, medical evaluation to diagnose any potential underlying issues, discharge planning, individual, group and family therapy sessions, and access to mental health experts.
St. Joseph Hospital
700 Broadway
Fort Wayne, IN 46802
Otis R. Bowen Center for Human Services
Four County Counseling Center
St. Joseph Hospital