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SocratesPlaster head of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates image by Supertrooper from Fotolia.com
Begin by defining your position. Prepare a list of goals you hope to accomplish in the short, medium and long term.
The Socratic method is based on questioning positions and competing ideas, so, before starting, you'll need a well-defined list of priorities and goals. - 2). Question each one of your goals with such questions as "will this make me happy," "is this goal achievable" or "will I be satisfied after achieving this goal."
The method is based on challenging the fundamental assumptions of a position and questioning every part of an argument to find contradictions and false principles. - 3). Identify conflicts or contradictions in your list of goals, such as professional goals or personal goals that seem to be in contradiction.
Traditionally, the Socratic method is conducted in a group to place opposite philosophical positions in contradiction. If you are conducting the process alone, try to place yourself in the position of these opposite views to evaluate the coherence of your goals in different areas.
Do certain goals conflict with others? Ask the same fundamental questions established in the first step to test each goal and determine which goals will actually satisfy you. - 4
The method is designed to compare contrasting views and eliminate false assumptions.zen image by Renato Francia from Fotolia.com
Determine which of your goals satisfy the conditions of the Socratic method and stand up to questioning.
This exercise should refine your list of goals to those that will actually make you happy and are achievable. The conflicts should also be resolved in favor of the goals that will bring you the greatest level of satisfaction. - 5). Repeat the process regularly to refine and continuously question your choices.
The Socratic method is designed to be infinitely repeatable and, over time, bring a set of assumptions closer and closer to reality each time.