As humans we have an inherent reaction to danger.
Our natural reaction to danger which many have to overcome with training and mental exercises is the "fight or flight reaction" that naturally occurs when the brain and nervous system are flooded with hormones and adrenaline are released.
After this reaction is gone, that is when your body does, or does not feel the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or even acute post traumatic stress disorder.
Not everyone who is exposed to a traumatic event ends up with this disorder or has a problem with their brains and bodies shutting off the aftereffects of the flight or fight response to danger.
Fear, a near death experience, a plane crash, etc.
Not only do war survivors and veterans get acute post traumatic stress disorder, but people who survive shootings, bombings, seeing family members hurt of killed, and so on and so on.
If you have been subjected to a very traumatic experience the chances are higher than someone who may just have a stressful job, for example.
Some of the signs and symptoms of acute post traumatic stress disorder and post traumatic stress disorder which may be on a level in severity just below it are: nightmares, flashbacks to the event, night sweats, fear, even almost to an overly abnormal degree, hallucinations, heightened hearing, fear, depression, and more.
When the event memory is triggered, the flight or fight response and the rush of adrenaline and other hormones are flooded throughout your system to almost overload your body and your mind.
You may even blackout, or have tunnel vision.
You may hallucinate or hear things, or not hear people around you talking to you in the real world since your mind and body may feel like they are somewhere else.
The key to combating and very much ultimately overcoming this disorder and problem in your life is to seek treatment and help from trusted health professionals who genuinely care about you and your illness and are waiting to help you with new therapies, techniques, treatments and real solutions to your problems.
They will listen to you and want to help you.
Ask for and seek help.
You are not alone with your struggle as you may think.
Our natural reaction to danger which many have to overcome with training and mental exercises is the "fight or flight reaction" that naturally occurs when the brain and nervous system are flooded with hormones and adrenaline are released.
After this reaction is gone, that is when your body does, or does not feel the effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or even acute post traumatic stress disorder.
Not everyone who is exposed to a traumatic event ends up with this disorder or has a problem with their brains and bodies shutting off the aftereffects of the flight or fight response to danger.
Fear, a near death experience, a plane crash, etc.
Not only do war survivors and veterans get acute post traumatic stress disorder, but people who survive shootings, bombings, seeing family members hurt of killed, and so on and so on.
If you have been subjected to a very traumatic experience the chances are higher than someone who may just have a stressful job, for example.
Some of the signs and symptoms of acute post traumatic stress disorder and post traumatic stress disorder which may be on a level in severity just below it are: nightmares, flashbacks to the event, night sweats, fear, even almost to an overly abnormal degree, hallucinations, heightened hearing, fear, depression, and more.
When the event memory is triggered, the flight or fight response and the rush of adrenaline and other hormones are flooded throughout your system to almost overload your body and your mind.
You may even blackout, or have tunnel vision.
You may hallucinate or hear things, or not hear people around you talking to you in the real world since your mind and body may feel like they are somewhere else.
The key to combating and very much ultimately overcoming this disorder and problem in your life is to seek treatment and help from trusted health professionals who genuinely care about you and your illness and are waiting to help you with new therapies, techniques, treatments and real solutions to your problems.
They will listen to you and want to help you.
Ask for and seek help.
You are not alone with your struggle as you may think.