- 1). Decide where you want to hold your service a few days before Easter. If you're going to hold it in your backyard, set up chairs for your family (facing East) the night before. If you're going to hold it in a park, get everything packed and ready to go the night before.
- 2). Check the paper to see what time the sun is going to rise on Easter. Set your alarms so that you have enough time to get everyone outside and dressed before the sun rises.
- 3). Make sure everyone gets to bed early so it won't be a war getting the kids out of bed before sunup.
- 4). Feed the family something simple and quick - such as a breakfast bar - before you begin your service; they'll be energized and won't complain of starving to death halfway through the service.
- 5). Give each family member a role in the service. A parent or older child can read the Easter story from the Bible (Matthew 28:1-10, John 3:16). Another child can read the 23rd psalm. A grandparent can lead the family in prayer. Little ones can hold bouquets of fresh flowers, or pass out a single Easter lily to each family member.
- 6). After the sun rises sing an Easter hymn of praise together, such as "Christ the Lord is Risen Today."
- 7). Close your service by joining hands and saying the Lord's Prayer together out loud.
- 8). Head back inside (or back home) and have a hearty breakfast together, and then get dressed in your Easter finery and go to church.