Health & Medical Anti Aging

Three Most Popular Detox Body Wrap

If you want a quick way to expel harmful toxins from your body, you may consider getting a detox body wrap treatment at a spa. Detoxifying body wraps use the therapeutic powers of minerals and herbs to draw out extraneous fluids and harmful wastes from the body.

An increasingly popular alternative treatment, body detox wraps can improve your skin's appearance and texture and strengthen your lymphatic system and metabolism. It may yield temporary weight loss because of the sudden expulsion of water during the process. Detox body wrap can relieve aching joints, ease inflammation and relax tense muscles.

There are different types of body detox wraps that are specially applied to treat specific trouble areas or health conditions. Currently, the three most popular detox wraps include herbal wraps, cellulite wraps and paraffin wraps. 

Cellulite Body Wrap – one of the body's basic defense mechanism is to store toxins in fatty cells. Toxins mostly accumulate on body fats than anywhere else on the body, which cause the cells to balloon up and clump. Many people apply body wraps that contains special ingredients such as seaweed, to remove toxins. Anecdotal reports suggest that seaweed can expel fat out of the body, although there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. 

The target of cellulite body wrap is the clumping fatty cells. Once the toxins are expelled, the remaining fat is more easily burned through exercise. This is the reason why many people keep on using wrapping kits for burning fat. The truth is, these body wraps only help the body burn fat easier and faster.

Herbal Body Wrap – this type of body wrap detoxifies the body by stimulating circulation and increasing sweating. Some of the most popular herbs used for detox herbal body wrap include cypress, lavender, juniper, mandarin and geranium. Another benefit of this type of body wrap is that it promotes lymphatic drainage.

Paraffin Body Wrap – this type of body detox wrap utilizes pure paraffin that is infused with a blend of specially picked herbs that can intensify the detoxifying process. These organic herbs naturally contain nutrients and minerals that can pull toxins from the skin surface while leaving the epidermis soft and smooth.

The moist heat brought by the paraffin boosts circulation and stimulation to expel fluids, fats and excess toxins. The combination of herbs into the paraffin, along with heat treatment makes it an ideal modality for reducing cellulite appearance. In a paraffin detox body wrap, warm paraffin is applied on the entire body and then it will be wrapped using a thermal blanket to further stimulate the hydrating and penetrating effects of paraffin wax.

Other body detoxifying wraps include seaweed wraps for firmer skin; bust wraps for a more toned and moisturized breasts and Frigi thalgo wraps, which can pull out excess water from the thighs. However, a single session of detoxifying body wrap may not be sufficient to achieve the best result because fluids and toxins can easily re-accumulate in the body. As such, you may need to have a regular body wrap treatment to ensure long-term benefits. 
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