There is a tremendous amount of activity that goes on with our skin daily.
Literally millions of your skin cells die and you make new ones to replace them.
The remarkable mechanism of the body has a solution to getting rid of these dead skin cells, it allows the sebum to transport these dead cells to your exterior skin where they just drop off.
This procedure can have problems some times, as the dead cells are being ferried along the inside of the hair follicle, then along the sebaceous ducts and they should then emerge from the hair canal but sometimes this opening gets blocked.
This is the situation which can cause Acne to erupt.
Acne is not the result of not washing oil off your skin, it is not the result of eating burgers and greasy fries, and it is not any oily food in your stomach that is to blame - it's the oil IN your skin.
What has happened is that the dead skin cells, excess sebum and keratin mix together and really do a job of blocking up that exit route through your skin pores.
This build up [the plug] actually has a name, it is called a microcomedo which is not visible to the naked eye.
Whilst this plug is in place more sebum is coming along behind, it cannot get out and the pressure really starts to build up.
The hair follicle starts to swell and then you really can see it.
There are two kinds of microcomedo, one is called a blackhead and one is called a whitehead.
The blackness is not dirt it is simply melanin, the dark pigment in your skin, this turns black when it is exposed to the air.
The other, the whitehead is always below the surface, it is light colored and becomes a bump underneath rather than on the skin surface.
The microcomedo can simply remain as it is or it can become an inflamed lesion [as spot].
Mostly inflammation is a reaction to a disease of the skin or an injury.
When Acne develops this inflammation is a reaction to bacteria.
This inflammation can be accompanied by swelling, redness and maybe pain.
Do not worry that your Acne is caused by poor hygiene, it is not, it is simply a hiccup of your system.
Literally millions of your skin cells die and you make new ones to replace them.
The remarkable mechanism of the body has a solution to getting rid of these dead skin cells, it allows the sebum to transport these dead cells to your exterior skin where they just drop off.
This procedure can have problems some times, as the dead cells are being ferried along the inside of the hair follicle, then along the sebaceous ducts and they should then emerge from the hair canal but sometimes this opening gets blocked.
This is the situation which can cause Acne to erupt.
Acne is not the result of not washing oil off your skin, it is not the result of eating burgers and greasy fries, and it is not any oily food in your stomach that is to blame - it's the oil IN your skin.
What has happened is that the dead skin cells, excess sebum and keratin mix together and really do a job of blocking up that exit route through your skin pores.
This build up [the plug] actually has a name, it is called a microcomedo which is not visible to the naked eye.
Whilst this plug is in place more sebum is coming along behind, it cannot get out and the pressure really starts to build up.
The hair follicle starts to swell and then you really can see it.
There are two kinds of microcomedo, one is called a blackhead and one is called a whitehead.
The blackness is not dirt it is simply melanin, the dark pigment in your skin, this turns black when it is exposed to the air.
The other, the whitehead is always below the surface, it is light colored and becomes a bump underneath rather than on the skin surface.
The microcomedo can simply remain as it is or it can become an inflamed lesion [as spot].
Mostly inflammation is a reaction to a disease of the skin or an injury.
When Acne develops this inflammation is a reaction to bacteria.
This inflammation can be accompanied by swelling, redness and maybe pain.
Do not worry that your Acne is caused by poor hygiene, it is not, it is simply a hiccup of your system.