Despite being one of the most common health conditions and making all out efforts, researchers have not achieved success in establishing a single medicine that could cure acne.
In fact, there is no cure for acne and each form of acne required different treatment depending upon cause of development of acne.
However, certain tips can help you in preventing occurrence or aggravation of acne condition.
Following are some of tips.
Adequate quantity of minerals, vitamins and nutrients is essential for proper functioning of various body systems.
Deficiencies of these substances can lead to number of abnormalities and result in serious illnesses.
You can use dietary supplements like colloidal silver and other solutions that contain natural elements.
Colloidal silver provides you double benefits of improving hormonal balances and killing bacteria.
Moreover, colloidal silver being obtained from pure natural silver does not possess any unwanted side effects.
Another feature of colloidal silver products is that even overdose (prolonged use) of these products does not harm any body system or beneficial tissues (which is a common feature of most antibiotics).
You can use colloidal silver in solution form as well as in topical form for local application or spraying.
However, use of dietary supplement is not an alternative for natural way of correcting hormonal imbalances.
You can maintain the hormonal levels with foods items and medications known for balancing hormonal levels.
However, use of natural colloidal silver supplement surely help you in getting rid of bacteria responsible for development of acne as well as regulating hormonal levels.
In fact, there is no cure for acne and each form of acne required different treatment depending upon cause of development of acne.
However, certain tips can help you in preventing occurrence or aggravation of acne condition.
Following are some of tips.
- Adopt good eatinghabits.
Take your meals onscheduled time - Ensure that yourdiet contains adequate quantity of minerals, vitamins and nutrients.
- Regular physicalexercises will help you in clearing hair follicles by removing toxicsubstances through sweat
- Avoid use of oilbased cosmetics
- Use gels,ointments, lotions and topical creams such as natural colloidal silverproducts specially formulated for acne prevention
- If hormonalimbalance is the root cause, consult your physician and take hormone balancing medications
- Make good thenutritional deficiencies by consuming dietary supplements like colloidalsilver
- Use home maderemedies known for their characteristics of preventing or treating acnecondition
- Maintain personalhygiene.
- Consult yourphysician or a dermatologist if your acne is severe in nature or persistfor considerably longer periods
Adequate quantity of minerals, vitamins and nutrients is essential for proper functioning of various body systems.
Deficiencies of these substances can lead to number of abnormalities and result in serious illnesses.
You can use dietary supplements like colloidal silver and other solutions that contain natural elements.
Colloidal silver provides you double benefits of improving hormonal balances and killing bacteria.
Moreover, colloidal silver being obtained from pure natural silver does not possess any unwanted side effects.
Another feature of colloidal silver products is that even overdose (prolonged use) of these products does not harm any body system or beneficial tissues (which is a common feature of most antibiotics).
You can use colloidal silver in solution form as well as in topical form for local application or spraying.
However, use of dietary supplement is not an alternative for natural way of correcting hormonal imbalances.
You can maintain the hormonal levels with foods items and medications known for balancing hormonal levels.
However, use of natural colloidal silver supplement surely help you in getting rid of bacteria responsible for development of acne as well as regulating hormonal levels.