- Melt your lower belly fat off with this exercise from New York City fitness expert Rachel Vaziralli. Stand with your arms at your sides and your feet shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows and extend your hands in front of your chest as you lower into a squat. Tuck your chin into your chest as you sit on the floor and roll backward onto your middle back. Tighten your abs and roll forward again to a squat position, then jump up to the starting position. Repeat five times.
- Your triceps, butt and legs get a workout along with your lower abs in this exercise. Start in and maintain a full push-up position on the floor throughout this exercise sequence. Lunge your right foot forward parallel to your right hand and hold for five seconds. Step your right foot back to the starting position and repeat the move with your left foot and left hand. Continue alternating the placement of your feet while you maintain a push-up position for 30 seconds.
- This Pilates move gives your lower abs a workout along with your hamstring and butt muscles. Lie on the floor with your hands at your sides and palms facing the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet hip-width apart on the floor with your heels next to your buttocks. Relax your upper body and lengthen your neck as you tighten your lower abdominal muscles. Inhale and slowly raise your hips toward the ceiling as you balance your body weight on your feet and upper back to make a straight diagonal line from your shoulders through your stomach to your bent knees. Hold for two breaths and then slowly roll your spine back to the floor as you exhale. Repeat five times.
- Target your deep abdominal muscles with this easy exercise. Get down on all fours and take a deep breath. As you exhale, draw your bellybutton inward toward your spine and hold for 10 seconds as you breathe normally. Release and rest for 10 seconds, then repeat the movement again 10 times.
Roll Pop-Up
Spider Jump
Shoulder Bridge
Abdominal Hollowing