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Making a Perfect Wedding Day: Top 10 Wedding Organization Tips

Engage and Begin

On the average, couples have six months prior to their wedding. So right after the engagement is announced the work really begins. The first thing that must be decided should be the number of guests. This gives a good starting point for choosing the church, venue and most importantly the proposed budget for the entire event. Size of entourage and number of sponsor will follow after this.

Sign Up Quick

Each state or country differs in laws regarding marriage, so inquire quickly and settle all legal obligations. Some churches need more than six months notice, reserve one quickly. Don’t forget to reserve an officiate. Families may differ in this opinion especially in cases where in the religion of the bride and groom is different and don’t depend on second or third parties to intercede in your behalf as these are also very busy people. The reception is another thing but once it is decided then a down payment will be required. But always reserve a second, sometimes third option for the venue. At this point a better idea if the target budget is being reached.

Find Where the Buck Stops.

Do not assume that it will only be the bride’s family or grooms family that will foot the bill no matter what the cultural norm is. It must be quickly established who is really footing the bill and whose checks will be used. In many cases, sponsors pitch in so even their details must be listed down and formalized to prevent any last minute mishaps.

Make it Pretty.

Fashion changes with the seasons and so does taste. So the design factor now comes to question. Choosing a theme will already give suppliers better ideas is formulating their quotes and you will need to find a lot of them, thank God that there is the Internet. Now is the time to finalize the candidate list for invitations, clothing, apparel, food, entertainment, décor etc. But note the décor since flowers are pretty much standard fare in these events and they are seasonal too. Roses are tried and tested but availability of preferred colors might be a bit tricky too so give your florist a call for some advise.

Complete the Cast

It might be the most important day in your life, but don’t expect that everyone is going to fit this day into their schedule with ease. You have many considerations besides affinity and affiliation in choosing your entourage and sponsors, think of logistics. Once shortlisted, make sure their contact details are stored and their names correctly spelled as you will be calling on them more than a few times for a lot of pre-wedding events, such as fittings, practices and rehearsals. Also note that more than a few will accept the invitation to be part of the entourage or become a sponsor but may not actually make it to the wedding. If this arises, then choosing proxies will have to be made.


The tasks are daunting, so use as many friends are relatives as you can in organizing your wedding. For those who can spare it in the budget, it is also good to consider hiring a wedding coordinator or planner. Besides stress, they may usually save you time and money since they have a shortlist of preferred suppliers already covering everything from printing, dress making, venues and the like.

These five tips generally cover the parts where in the most mishaps happen, but a good organizer is also a good leader and good leaders work really well getting support and making things happen. Good luck and congratulations!
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