"The apparition of these faces in the crowd:
Petals, on a wet, black bough."
Concise words evoking concrete pictures characterize this Ezra Pound two-liner (In a Station at the Metro) — and Imagism, a poetic movement led by Pound in the early 20th century.
Imagism abhorred abstractions and words not apt to make the picture sharper. The imagist's poems' haiku quality — hinting at more than the well-defined literal meaning — is not description either, though.
Paintings and photos are much better at that:
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Petals, on a wet, black bough."
Concise words evoking concrete pictures characterize this Ezra Pound two-liner (In a Station at the Metro) — and Imagism, a poetic movement led by Pound in the early 20th century.
Imagism abhorred abstractions and words not apt to make the picture sharper. The imagist's poems' haiku quality — hinting at more than the well-defined literal meaning — is not description either, though.
Paintings and photos are much better at that:
›› Share images and insert them in your emails, too. Better than big attachments: here are my favorite free image hosting services for use with email.