Mental illness in children has become very common in the modern days and this problem faced by them is something that takes their childhood away from them as a result they become alone and isolated from the people around them.
Teenage is a period when the individuals seems to enjoy themselves the most, having their own group of peers, discussing and discovering things that are totally new for them. These things are what we generally see among this particular age group who show great amount of enthusiasm and interest in doing anything new or innovative. But unfortunately, now a days mental illness in children has become very common and mostly teenagers have become a victim of this. Teenagers are mostly affected from depression that takes them away from the normal lifestyle. This problem can be due to problems faced by them at home, school or in the society. At times, this will also lead them to take drastic steps like violence, drug abuse or even suicide.
The parents need to take such things very seriously and should look into different symptoms among their children to understand that they are different from other teenagers. The first step for the treatment for mental illness among them is taken by the parents, by trying to make them open up about what makes them feel insecure. This will probably play a great role in letting the children share their point of view and helps them to treat depression easily.
Teenagers face a lot of pressure and the natural transition in their body brings with it a lot of needs and demands that required by them. The mental illness in children can be detected if the following signs and symptoms are found in their daily activities:
€ Anger: Irritability, hostility or anger becomes very common in them. They at times over react to small problems and lose their anger very soon. This might at times lead them to indulge in physical violence among their peer groups.
€ Loneliness: They start withdrawing them from their family and friends and generally prefer to live alone. Loneliness makes them feel secure and safe along with making them happy.
€ Sadness: At an age when generally, teenager should be happy, affected with depression they feel very sad and lose hopes very frequently.
€ Difficulty in Concentration: They feel very disturbed and cannot concentrate on any single activity at a time. This problem often makes them distracted from their favorite activities and ultimately they lose their interest in it.
€ Feeling of guilt: Most common of all symptoms is the feeling of guilt that the teenagers show. They try to be different and remain aloof from other but if a single mistake is done by them they feel very scared, the feeling of guilt and worthlessness becomes very common in them. And this at times leads them to think about committing suicide or run away from their home.
Treatment for mental illness among these affected groups should be started by a good and reputed psychiatrist as early as these problems are being detected in them. Treating can be a great benefit but without the support of the family and uninterrupted attention towards the affected child this problem cannot be cured by the psychiatrists alone. Morale support and encouragement are something that is mostly required for the treatment of such mental depression or disorder.
Teenage is a period when the individuals seems to enjoy themselves the most, having their own group of peers, discussing and discovering things that are totally new for them. These things are what we generally see among this particular age group who show great amount of enthusiasm and interest in doing anything new or innovative. But unfortunately, now a days mental illness in children has become very common and mostly teenagers have become a victim of this. Teenagers are mostly affected from depression that takes them away from the normal lifestyle. This problem can be due to problems faced by them at home, school or in the society. At times, this will also lead them to take drastic steps like violence, drug abuse or even suicide.
The parents need to take such things very seriously and should look into different symptoms among their children to understand that they are different from other teenagers. The first step for the treatment for mental illness among them is taken by the parents, by trying to make them open up about what makes them feel insecure. This will probably play a great role in letting the children share their point of view and helps them to treat depression easily.
Teenagers face a lot of pressure and the natural transition in their body brings with it a lot of needs and demands that required by them. The mental illness in children can be detected if the following signs and symptoms are found in their daily activities:
€ Anger: Irritability, hostility or anger becomes very common in them. They at times over react to small problems and lose their anger very soon. This might at times lead them to indulge in physical violence among their peer groups.
€ Loneliness: They start withdrawing them from their family and friends and generally prefer to live alone. Loneliness makes them feel secure and safe along with making them happy.
€ Sadness: At an age when generally, teenager should be happy, affected with depression they feel very sad and lose hopes very frequently.
€ Difficulty in Concentration: They feel very disturbed and cannot concentrate on any single activity at a time. This problem often makes them distracted from their favorite activities and ultimately they lose their interest in it.
€ Feeling of guilt: Most common of all symptoms is the feeling of guilt that the teenagers show. They try to be different and remain aloof from other but if a single mistake is done by them they feel very scared, the feeling of guilt and worthlessness becomes very common in them. And this at times leads them to think about committing suicide or run away from their home.
Treatment for mental illness among these affected groups should be started by a good and reputed psychiatrist as early as these problems are being detected in them. Treating can be a great benefit but without the support of the family and uninterrupted attention towards the affected child this problem cannot be cured by the psychiatrists alone. Morale support and encouragement are something that is mostly required for the treatment of such mental depression or disorder.