Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

How Florida Child Support Works

The state of Florida has a number of specific child support guidelines created with the best interest of the child in mind. The courts use these guidelines to determine the amount of child support to be provided by the relevant parties. The guidelines should be followed unless there is an agreement between parents on the amount of child support that is seen as fair and reasonable to the courts. The guidelines in the state of Florida take into consideration the number of children and the combined monthly net income of the parents.

The Florida Department of Revenue is charged with the responsibility of providing child support services which include locating missing parents, enforcing and modifying support orders and establishing legal paternity. What the department does not do is establish or enforce custody or visitation. In the case where the non-custodial parent does not live within the state of Florida, the law entails cooperation between different states when it comes to matters of child support services. A non-custodial parent is charged with the responsibility of making child support payments on a regular basis no matter where they live.

When it comes to child custody, a joint or sole custody may be awarded to both or one of the parents by the Florida courts. This is done without prejudice to sex of the parents. Both parents have equal opportunity when it comes to child custody. The court orders that provide the guidelines in child support and custody may change from time to time to reflect changes in income, and living arrangements of the children. You should take note not to enter into child custody and support agreements with the idea that the law can change in the future.

There are private agencies set up in Florida that can collect child support on behalf of custodial parents if the state of Florida's agency proves to be unsuccessful collecting it for you. This is a possibility if you are owed a court order for child support. The advantage of using private agencies to collect child support is they can prove effective even in the most difficult cases. These private services offer professional enforcement services for child support to families in the State of Florida. This can help especially in cases where you have not seen a payment in many years.

Whenever a non-custodial parent does not meet their obligation of paying child support, the parent is subjected to law enforcement measures. The Florida Child Support Enforcement Bureau is responsible for child support and will collect regular and past due payments. The Florida Department of Revenue provides services through Child Support Enforcement that receives funds from the state of Florida and the federal government.

When the non-custodial parent misses a payment, it can result in a trial, where they can be charged interest by the state of Florida. The state comptroller determines interest rates on back child support annually. Any custodial parent not receiving public assistance may consult with a child support collection agency such as Support Collectors, or hire a private attorney, and at the same time can have a case open with the Florida Child Support Enforcement Bureau.
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