- Children are eager to play this game that focuses on previous learning.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Jeopardy is a game that is used throughout classrooms all over the US. It can be adapted to fit any theme or activity and, therefore, is perfect for Sharing Time. Suggested themes might be: Primary Songs, Church History, Popular Scriptures, Characters in the Scriptures, or Modern-day Prophets. Children will be chosen based on their attentiveness during the lesson. - Hot and Cold is a game to be played during Singing Time or Sharing Time. Have 5 or 6 pieces of paper with scriptures written on them that relate to the lesson topic. After teaching the lesson begin the Hot and Cold activity. Choose a child to go outside of the room, and choose another child to hide the first sheet of paper. Call the first child into the room and ask him to find the piece of paper. The children will sing a song and sing louder or softer to give clues about where the paper is hidden; louder when is he closer, softer when he moves away. Once the paper is found, have the child read it aloud. Repeat with new children and scriptures as desired.
- The giant puzzle game engages the whole learning group.Dynamic Graphics Group/Dynamic Graphics Group/Getty Images
Create a large poster board with a picture relating to the lesson. On the back draw lines of a puzzle and write scripture references in the spaces created. Cut on the lines and place the puzzle pieces into a bag. After presenting an introduction to the lesson, call up a child to choose a puzzle piece. Have him look up the scripture and read it aloud. Let him then tape the piece on the blackboard for all to see. Ask other children to do the same until they have completed the puzzle to reveal the picture and all scriptures have been read. - Kids love balloons. Why not use them in the next Sharing Time lesson? Slip small pieces of paper inside balloons and then blow them up. Each piece of paper should have a scripture, song or famous quote written on it that pertains to the lesson. Tape them to a cork board or empty wall. Have volunteers pop them with a small tack and read the paper inside. If the paper lists a quote or scripture reference have the child read it aloud. If the paper lists a song, the whole group should sing it together. Themes for this lesson might be, "How to prepare for Baptism" or "How to be a missionary now." The activity will keep children engaged in the lesson and will encourage participation.
Primary Jeopardy
Hot and Cold
Giant Puzzle
Balloon Pop