With Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and other Web 2.
0 Social Networking Sites it's easy to get caught up spending lots of time updating your profile, looking at pictures, viewing videos, writing comments and so on.
But what about blogging? Are you forgetting this important potentially money-making social networking resource? Blogging, which used to be a relatively obscure activity, is still one of the best ways to get targeted and yes, free traffic! Happily, getting a blog up and running is easy whether you choose a free hosted blog or you choose to host it yourself.
Keeping your blog updated is also simple and does not require that you are a skilled writer as you can choose whether or not you write your own posts.
The most important aspect of any internet activity is traffic.
Without traffic why be online? Ask yourself this question: Where do you get your information from when you first logon to your computer or other networking device? Chances are to some kind of social networking site? Facebook, Digg and so on...
Therefore the key to getting your blog noticed is to submit your posts to some of those Web 2.
0 sites otherwise known as social networking sites.
It works like this: If you submit your blog posts to social networking sites they are voted on by other readers.
The more they are voted on, the more views,which in turn leads to even more views and so on.
Even if your blog post is not rated (voted) very high, you can get the backlinks to your blog which helps.
The submission process is not complicated and is well-worth the effort of a few clicks! When other people go to the social networking sites where you have submitted your posts, they may read your posts and perhaps click through to your blog.
Ultimately that's what you want.
No great science there! Besides the fact that you are submitting to social networking sites on a regular basis you are also building a following.
The more you are becoming noticed the more people who will follow your blog and in general your internet activity.
This translates as greater traffic! Sounds great! But does the whole idea of having to write your ownposts bother you? You not a born writer just waiting for the time to get that first novel published? No worries! You don't even have to come up with fresh content yourself all the time.
Keeping your blog fresh is not about you writing the posts yourself necessarily.
You can choose to feature guest bloggers and there are ways to get access to excellent free content! Think of it this way; By focusing on what you enjoy doing rather than time-consuming activities you will be able to put your resources into those things that will help your blog bring in money.
Instead of sitting there battling with writer's block you can have all your posts ready-to go and be putting into action some strategies that can put money in your pocket.
Right now you may be thinking, "I don't know the first thing about setting up a blog!I just have a Facebook page.
Never mind traffic and thefiner details of socialnetworking!" Hey, even if you don't have a Facebook page, you can quickly and easily learn to blog for money!
0 Social Networking Sites it's easy to get caught up spending lots of time updating your profile, looking at pictures, viewing videos, writing comments and so on.
But what about blogging? Are you forgetting this important potentially money-making social networking resource? Blogging, which used to be a relatively obscure activity, is still one of the best ways to get targeted and yes, free traffic! Happily, getting a blog up and running is easy whether you choose a free hosted blog or you choose to host it yourself.
Keeping your blog updated is also simple and does not require that you are a skilled writer as you can choose whether or not you write your own posts.
The most important aspect of any internet activity is traffic.
Without traffic why be online? Ask yourself this question: Where do you get your information from when you first logon to your computer or other networking device? Chances are to some kind of social networking site? Facebook, Digg and so on...
Therefore the key to getting your blog noticed is to submit your posts to some of those Web 2.
0 sites otherwise known as social networking sites.
It works like this: If you submit your blog posts to social networking sites they are voted on by other readers.
The more they are voted on, the more views,which in turn leads to even more views and so on.
Even if your blog post is not rated (voted) very high, you can get the backlinks to your blog which helps.
The submission process is not complicated and is well-worth the effort of a few clicks! When other people go to the social networking sites where you have submitted your posts, they may read your posts and perhaps click through to your blog.
Ultimately that's what you want.
No great science there! Besides the fact that you are submitting to social networking sites on a regular basis you are also building a following.
The more you are becoming noticed the more people who will follow your blog and in general your internet activity.
This translates as greater traffic! Sounds great! But does the whole idea of having to write your ownposts bother you? You not a born writer just waiting for the time to get that first novel published? No worries! You don't even have to come up with fresh content yourself all the time.
Keeping your blog fresh is not about you writing the posts yourself necessarily.
You can choose to feature guest bloggers and there are ways to get access to excellent free content! Think of it this way; By focusing on what you enjoy doing rather than time-consuming activities you will be able to put your resources into those things that will help your blog bring in money.
Instead of sitting there battling with writer's block you can have all your posts ready-to go and be putting into action some strategies that can put money in your pocket.
Right now you may be thinking, "I don't know the first thing about setting up a blog!I just have a Facebook page.
Never mind traffic and thefiner details of socialnetworking!" Hey, even if you don't have a Facebook page, you can quickly and easily learn to blog for money!