Health & Medical Mental Health

Is There a Secret to Living to 100?

I've been an advocate of healthy living for about 15 years now and I truly love eating healthy and exercising because it makes me feel good.
I also do it because I would like to live to 100 and with all the experts talking about the benefits of exercise and healthy eating and how it is your best chance of living disease free and also increasing your life span I have made sure my lifestyle includes exercise and healthy eating on a regular basis.
I can't say I don't cheat because let's face it, life isn't worth living if you're not going to have fun and indulge every once in a while.
Another thing I love to do is read.
I read about 1-2 books a week because I truly love to learn (and show off when Jeopardy is on).
One of the things I love to read about is health and fitness.
I have read several books on the subject and consider myself pretty educated when it comes to this topic.
Because I enjoy reading books on these subjects I also enjoy reading news articles related to health and fitness.
One subject that really interests me is Centenarians.
These are people who live to the age of 100 and over.
I enjoy reading about these people and how they've lived their lives to be able to reach this age and beyond.
What amazes me the most is that most of these people haven't lived an overly healthy lifestyle and some of them have quite a bit in common.
One common trait a lot of them do share is that they never overeat.
In a country like the US that is extremely rare since the portions we're accustomed to are huge compared to other countries all over the world.
Over 70% of Americans are overweight with around 25% of these overweight people being obese.
I know how I feel when I eat to much and it is a terrible feeling.
Eating small portions throughout the day is something almost every book and article talks about in regards to living a long and healthy life and it's interesting to see that most Centenarians have always lived this way.
Another trait they have in common is that the majority of them have always had healthy blood pressure levels throughout their entire lives.
We all know the importance of maintaining healthy blood pressure levels but hyptertension is a problem many people have.
One thing I found extremely interesting about Centenarians is that a lot them were never big into exercising throughout their lives.
I find this fact extremely interesting because I associate a sedentary lifestyle as being unhealthy but I'm sure they were active in other ways.
Some Centenarians believe that having an alcoholic beverage once a day throughout their adult lives has contributed to their long lifespans especially since some research says a drink or two a day is actually good for you.
Some Centenarians even took up smoking in their later years but they definitely don't associate this with living long.
It's just an unhealthy habit they took up in their later years that hasn't affected their health.
In closing, many things contribute to living a long life.
Overall, I think it comes down to heredity, eating small portions, and taking the necessary supplements and medications your doctor recommends.
I've read so many stories of how people who are big into fitness drop dead from a massive heart attack and it makes me wonder if there is really a benefit to it if your goal is to love to 100.
So many people I know who live a long life are not gym goers and don't eat overly healthy.
What they do have in common is a positive attitude, the ability to eat small meals and not give into the temptation of stuffing their bellies, healthy blood pressure levels, and taking the recommended medications and supplements that their doctors recommend.
What do you think the secret of living to 100 is?
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