The jade plant is one of 330 species of herbs and shrubs that belong to the Crassulaceae family. Native to South America, the jade plant has been a cultivated houseplant throughout Europe and North America for more than 100 years. Prized primarily for its plump leaves and ability to survive with little care, the jade plant is suitable for container gardening or as an ornamental houseplant. Its 1- to 2-inch oval leaves are dark green, but are often edged with red. With proper care and attention to lighting, jade plants bloom once a year with tiny, fragrant white, pink or yellow flowers.- 27-year-old jade plant
The jade plant grows to 10 feet tall in its native environment, blooming during the summer. Plants grown in containers rarely reach this size and generally bloom in early winter. Growing jade plants in small containers encourages the plant to remain small. To increase the size of the plant, re-pot it into a larger container.
Blooms appear in clusters at the ends of branches. These starlike blooms range in color from white to yellow and shades of pink. Each cluster contains 30 or more tiny, four-petaled blooms that open into a mass of color. To encourage December blooming, provide natural lighting during the day and keep the plant in complete darkness for 12 hours, beginning in mid-October. Water sparingly until buds have formed and then resume normal watering. Night lights or light radiating from other rooms or from outside sources prevents blooming. Place a box or bag over the plant during nighttime hours, if necessary, to block out light sources.
The trunk grows thick and weathered, giving it an aged look. This makes jade plants ideal as bonsai trees, as they can be easily trained to look like ancient trees.- The ancient Chinese art of feng shui, the art of arranging homes and work environments to allow for the flow of positive energy, recommends jade plants for several reasons. Large plants are thought to bring positive energy and clean the air. The jade plant's rich green leaves are believed to bring peace and harmony, alleviating stress and representing balance in life. Its rounded leaves encourage good energy and bring good fortune. The jade plant is thought to bring prosperity, and the clustered flowers are thought to harness positive energy and promote healthy life forces.