If you're looking for a great, total body workout at home, then you should try bodyweight training.
However, many bodyweight training programs seem to get extremely boring after a while.
That is exactly the reason why most individuals stop seeing results from their at home bodyweight programs.
When your workout is boring, it's harder to stay with your program.
And if you don't workout regularly, you stop seeing results.
Hence, it's time to look past basic pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats and search for some brand new variations you can start incorporating into your program.
I decided to do my own research and began noticing and learning more about how gymnasts, dancers, and yogis (people who practice yoga) move.
These athletes have incredible bodies without ever lifting up a weight! I soon began to incorporate some of their movements into my regular training.
It just takes very simple changes in your basic exercises to start moving like a gymnast, dancer, or yogi.
There are a lot of great exercise resources out there including ones on TV, the Internet, eBooks, and books.
However, one of the best resources is something known as CST.
CST, or Circular Strength Training, is a system of training which focuses more on movement.
Their bodyweight exercises are derived from Yoga, Gymnastics, and Dance.
They even incorporate Prasara Yoga as part of their overall approach to total bodyweight training.
CST was developed by Coach Scott Sonnon and made popular by Coaches Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock.
The main idea behind this unique training system is to cycle your training from periods of high intensity and low intensity training.
But what I like most about it is there unique and effective bodyweight exercises.
However, many bodyweight training programs seem to get extremely boring after a while.
That is exactly the reason why most individuals stop seeing results from their at home bodyweight programs.
When your workout is boring, it's harder to stay with your program.
And if you don't workout regularly, you stop seeing results.
Hence, it's time to look past basic pushups, pullups, and bodyweight squats and search for some brand new variations you can start incorporating into your program.
I decided to do my own research and began noticing and learning more about how gymnasts, dancers, and yogis (people who practice yoga) move.
These athletes have incredible bodies without ever lifting up a weight! I soon began to incorporate some of their movements into my regular training.
It just takes very simple changes in your basic exercises to start moving like a gymnast, dancer, or yogi.
There are a lot of great exercise resources out there including ones on TV, the Internet, eBooks, and books.
However, one of the best resources is something known as CST.
CST, or Circular Strength Training, is a system of training which focuses more on movement.
Their bodyweight exercises are derived from Yoga, Gymnastics, and Dance.
They even incorporate Prasara Yoga as part of their overall approach to total bodyweight training.
CST was developed by Coach Scott Sonnon and made popular by Coaches Adam Steer and Ryan Murdock.
The main idea behind this unique training system is to cycle your training from periods of high intensity and low intensity training.
But what I like most about it is there unique and effective bodyweight exercises.