Health & Medical Mental Health

Learn What Panic Attacks Are?

Panic attacks are sudden and overwhelming surges of fear that come without any clear warning and seem to have no obvious source.
Lack of preventative measures can increase the frequency and intensity of these episodes, limiting the sufferer's ability to participate in activities in the places or situations that seem to trigger panic attacks.
In due course of time, these attacks could eventually become full blown phobias.
Signs and Symptoms of Panic Attacks Knowing what causes these attacks is the best way to avoid having them.
While there are certain situations or events that are undeniably cause for panic, a person suffering from a panic attack will exhibit certain distinctive signs and symptoms, which include:  ·         Heart Palpations: Racing or pounding heart beat  ·         Trouble Breathing: Feeling as if you are being smothered and cannot get enough air  ·        Chest Pain: Excruciating pressure on the chest  ·        Vertigo: Feelings of nausea, dizziness or a feeling of being lightheaded  ·        Numb or Tingling Hands  ·        Terror: A sense of foreboding that something awful will occur and you will not be able to stop it  ·        Frantic Desire to Escape from the place or situation you are in  ·        Fear of Losing Control    ·        Overwhelming Fear of Death Keeping a record of any signs and symptoms of  attacks you've experienced as well as when, where and how often they occur can be of immense help in regaining some degree of control.
Why Do People Have these Attacks? A panic attack is essentially caused when the body and mind's natural ability to react to dangerous situations is triggered without any clear presence of a threat.
While scientists aren't absolutely certain why this happens, it is thought that these reactions are triggered off by certain situations such as major emotional and mental traumas, physical illnesses, undue stress and even pregnancy when the hormones are all out of control.
In some cases, certain medications can also be a causative factor (these are drugs which activate centers of the brain that relate to the fear response).
So what is it that triggers off an episode in an individual? When we deal with certain factors such as death, serious stress, anxiety and depression, they can cause us to be overwhelmed and as a result throw our body and mind out of whack.
This causes anxiety to build up and over time our ability to cope gets worn down, leaving us susceptible to panic attacks.
Click here now for more tips and advice on anxieties and how you can find a way to cure panic attacks.
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