Health & Medical Pain Diseases

How to Choose a Chiropractor for Optimum Care

The 5 Traits You Should Look For: 1.
Convenient Appointments with Respect for Your Time Have you ever gone to a doctor's appointment where the office requested for you to show up early, for you to only wait 10, 15, 30, or even 60 minutes past your appointment time for the doctor! In my opinion this is unacceptable and should not happen.
Of course sometime things will happen in an appointment where the doctor will get behind schedule.
I my opinion the office staff should advise the patient that the doctor is running late by 10, 15 or how many ever minutes and ask the patient if they would like to reschedule their appointment.
I feel that an office should attempt to decrease this above situation from happening in the first place.
So when you choose a chiropractor, please make sure you are working with someone that will respect your time.
In today's busy world everyone is on a schedule, and your time should be respected.
Looking Out for the Best Interest of the Patient No one wants to be taken advantage of, not at the auto dealer, and not at the doctor's office.
If there is a problem it is my opinion that the doctor should be upfront and give you the straight truth.
In my office we promise to respect your interest, and look out for you wellbeing.
The way that we do this is by performing a detailed examination and explaining the results of the tests performed so you can understand the extent of your problem.
After your exam we will go through the results and give you a straight answer to your questions, and treatment options.
I believe that the patient should be empowered with knowledge to make informed decisions about their health needs.
I think we have all been to doctors that don't give you a straight answer, or a structured plan to correct your concerns.
Testimonials and Referrals In my opinion the best way to find any type of doctor is to receive a referral from a friend or family member.
If your friend or family member is happy with how they have been treated they would be happy to return to the doctor, so you can likely have the same results.
In today's world we can easily look up reviews on Google, or other sites.
If you take a look at our Google maps page we have a very happy patient base.
Look for Red Flags One of the most important take a ways from this article is how to identify any red flags, and in my opinion this should be applied to all healthcare providers.
  • Avoid offices that require for you to sign long-term contracts for treatment.
    I believe that chiropractic is a wonderful paradigm to be treated from, but what I don't like is that many offices will require contracts for treatment.
    I feel that you have the right to choose if you would like to continue.
    Now it is not uncommon for office to recommend 2-8 month long treatment plans, depending on how you interact with the doctor and the staff you many want to opt for a treatment, but if you do sign a contract be sure this is what you want.
  • Avoid offices that discourage you to see other providers for care, as this is could be a business tactic.
    I feel that a team approach is the best for any health condition.
  • Avoid offices that use scare tactics to convince you that you need more care than you really need.
These are some of the most common signs that a office is less concerned about the health of the patient and is more concerned about profit.
Speed of Service I can remember when I first started seeing patients when I was finally done with school and licensed.
I would want to spend as much time as I needed and before I know it I had spent 2 hours with someone.
Now, I would never want to not fully explain or answer a patients questions or concerns, but as I stated above it is important to respect the time of the patient.
Now that I have been in practice for some time I have a much better handle on working with new patients and providing quality care, and being sure to answer all questions or concerns.
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