Home & Garden Home Design & Decorating

How to Make a Modern Vintage Teen Bedroom


    • 1). Introduce vintage materials in modern colors and patterns. For example, paint a bead board wainscoting neon pink, or install shag carpeting that is blood red or neon green.

    • 2). Include vintage bedding with modern designs. For example, lay an old-fashioned quilt at the end of the bed that features a contemporary design of black and purple squares or tribal patterns.

    • 3). Hang vintage curtains that have a modern edge. Examples are white lace curtains with a strip of neon orange edging in a teen-age girl's bedroom and black lace curtains with a fabric lining of crossbones peeking out from behind the lace in a teen-age boy's bedroom.

    • 4). Place layers of vintage and modern fabrics throughout the rest of the room, such as on bed throw pillows. Ideas include placing large black leather throw pillows against the headboard and putting a few pillows with a soft pink velvet or tapestry pattern in front of them.

    • 5). Keep the room ultra-modern, such as adding just one pop of color for a completely black-and-white bedroom. You could paint the bedroom's walls and woods floor white and lay a black rug featuring a contemporary floral print on the floor by the bed.


    • 1). Choose a vintage-styled bed, such as a canopy bed, and give it a modern makeover. Line the inside of the canopy with a contemporary striped pattern, or hang curtains containing geometric designs.

    • 2). Add a grand headboard upholstered in vintage fabric to the wall behind a minimalist-designed bed. If the bed has a simple black metal frame, choose a vintage black-and-white toile pattern for a teen-age girl's room or a vintage ship and vessel pattern for a teen-age boy's space.

    • 3). Incorporate vintage side tables, and paint them a contemporary bold color. Other options include stacking antique trunks for nightstands next to a modernly styled bed and placing modern glass and chrome tables next to.an old-fashioned white wicker bed.

    • 4). Store electronics such as a television set, stereo and computer in a vintage armoire. Another option is to decorate modern electronics with vintage elements such as lace doilies or tablecloths.

    • 5). Add modern twists to other vintage furnishings. For example, upholster an antique side chair in a contemporary red-and-white zebra print fabric, or use sleek chrome pulls and knobs on an old wooden desk or dresser.

    Artwork and Accessories

    • 1). Hang vintage posters that still appeal to teen-agers. Frame a reprint of an old comic book character for your superhero-obsessed son or a few old-fashioned pinups for your fashionista daughter.

    • 2). Place antique lamps in the room. Old-fashioned crystal lamps work for reading lights on modern black-lacquered nightstands. Another option is to place contemporary lamps on antique furniture, such as sleek chrome designs on an old white school desk.

    • 3). Apply other vintage accessories according to your teen-ager's tastes. For example, hang a vintage photograph of a past family soldier in a military enthusiast’s room or photographs of old airplanes for a child who is passionate about aviation.

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