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Lawn Care Calendar

A beautiful lawn does not come without some effort.
Year-round care is needed to achieve that bowling green look; below is a guide to what you should be doing in each month.
JAN/FEB These are the lazy months in your lawn care year! If weather is mild, occasionally cut the grass with the mower blades set high - to maintain about an inch of growth.
Check equipment.
Keep off the grass if frozen or waterlogged.
Keep an eye out for any fungal diseases; treat with a suitable fungicide.
MARCH Rake the grass thoroughly using a special rake or wheeled equipment.
Spike the lawn all over and apply lawn sand if necessary.
Keep mower blades high and just 'top` the grass.
Remove all debris from the lawn prior to first cut.
APRIL Re-seed bare patches, apply fertilisers and moss killer towards the end of the month.
Mow regularly, lowering mower blades gradually to 3/4 inch.
If moss is a problem, use a good brand of lawn sand and rake up the dead moss a fortnight later.
MAY Keep mowing, increasing the frequency as required.
Treat with selective weedkillers or combined weed/feed preparations if you haven't fed the lawn in April.
JUNE Mow lawns twice a week if possible working to a definite pattern.
Water grass if necessary, remembering to soak thoroughly.
A good soaking is better than frequent light watering.
Trim lawn edges.
JULY Treat grass with second application of fertiliser or weedkiller/fertiliser.
Water in as necessary.
Don't crop grass too closely - raise mower blades as required.
AUG Keep on mowing regularly and watering as necessary.
Fill any cracks caused by drought with a mixture of sharp sand and soil.
SEPT Raise mower blades to allow the grass to thicken and protect roots from winter frost and snow.
Increase interval between mowings.
Apply Autumn-Winter fertiliser, weedkiller and moss killer.
OCT Rake out thatch from turf and spike lawn to assist drainage.
Brush in peat and sharp sand.
A rotary mower with a collector is particularly useful at this time of year to collect dead or loose leaves.
Continue cutting as necessary.
NOV Use a stiff broom to remove wormcasts from the grass.
Raise mower blades to allow 1 inch cut.
Don't mow if very wet as this will compact the soil and encourage waterlogging.
Treat "fairyrings" with fungicide.
DEC Rake all debris from lawns.
Continue occasional cutting if weather is mild.
Service your mower and any other equipment.
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