Law & Legal & Attorney Government & administrative Law

Compulsory Education Laws in Florida


    • If a student within the compulsory education ages is absent for at least five unexcused absences within a calendar month, or 10 unexcused absences within 90 days, the teacher reports the student to the principal. If habitual truancy appears likely, the school principal will notify the district superintendent. The school district will begin frequent and regular contact with the parent of the truant child. A child study team will introduce and implement alternative education plans and attendance contracts. If parents do not comply with these measures, the Department of Juvenile Justice may charge the parents for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, a misdemeanor of the second degree. This results in either a fine of up to $500 or, in very rare cases, jail time of up to six months.

    Dropping Out

    • A student who has reached age 16 and wishes to drop out of school before graduating may file a formal declaration with the district school board. In this declaration, he must state that he is aware that by dropping out of school before completing his high school diploma he is likely to reduce his future earning potential. Both the student and his parent must sign this declaration. A representative of the student's school, such as a guidance counselor, must conduct an exit interview with the student to determine why he opted to drop out of school. The district school board must then inform the student of all available options, such as GED test preparation and adult night courses, for the student to complete his diploma.

    Pregnant Teens

    • Students who become pregnant will be expected to continue their education, pursuant to Florida's compulsory education laws. They may continue in their regular classes, opt for special classes or continue in alternative education plans that may better suit their needs as long as the curricula moves toward the student completing her high school diploma. Pregnant teens may also take classes in teen parent programs.

    Homeless Youth

    • Homeless children who have been identified by the Department of Education must be allowed access to free public education. School districts must provide these children with assistance with immunizations and documentation.

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