- 1). Cut out a circular, oval or rectangular base from cardboard. You can make the base as large as you wish, as long as it will accommodate the castle you plan to make.
- 2). Decorate the base, if you wish. You can write a message on the base or cover the entire thing in aluminum foil. Alternately, you could cut out a patch of foil to look like a lake or pond, or cut out a ring to make the moat.
- 3). Arrange the first row of sugar cubes on the cardboard base. You can start by making a large rectangle or square for the main walls of the castle, then adding a few around the corners and at points where you want to place towers.
- 4). Glue the foundation layer of sugar cubes onto the base.
- 5). Arrange a second row of sugar cubes on the previous row, then glue them down when you are happy with the results. Repeat this process until the walls and towers are as tall as you want them to be.
- 6). Create a row of battlements by adding one more row of cubes, but skipping every other cube. Glue the cubes down.
- 7). Create tower roofs by making cones of construction paper. To create a cone, cut out a circle, then cut a quarter of the circle out. Glue that piece into the shape of a cone, then glue it to the tops of the towers.
- 8). Add flags by cutting out small triangles of construction paper and gluing them to the ends of skewers. Glue or insert those into the towers or walls of the castle. Leave the castle to dry overnight.