- The most common ornamental oxalis is Oxalis triangularis. Depending on the variety, this low-growing plant can have white or pinkish-white flowers with five petals apiece. The leaves are purple and lobed, with each leaf having three distinct lobes. It is hardy in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 7 through 11.
- Oxalis thrives outside in summer in cold winter climates, either in the ground or in pots. In the fall, wait until frost kills the top growth, and then dig and store tubers in paper bags containing vermiculite. Storage temperatures of 35 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit are ideal.
- When lifting tubers for storage, dig carefully to avoid breaking them or damaging roots. Gently brush away excess soil from the tuber and roots. Leave the tubers on a piece of newspaper in a cool place to "cure" in the open air for a few days before storing.
Winter Storage